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—“We ought to discuss Buddhism (I am a Buddhist) and Propertarianism (I’ve discussed various matters with Curt Doolittle) in the future.”— Andrew Taylor
by The Propertarian Institute
It’s not complicated. Buddhism evolved out of hinduism’s ‘spiritualism’ and because of that started out very similar to stoicism but with less empirical names of phenomenon, and was largely a way of developing mindfulness by way of REJECTING the world.
Stoicism began as self authoring and was very close to the then-greco-roman empirical method. It’s purpose was to facilitate ACTION in the world, despite our emotions. Stoicism was incorporated into christianity when the stoic schools were forcibly closed by the christian hordes. Buddhism was adopted widely but evolved into a religion rather than a discipline.
This has to do largely with the means of spreading stoicism (middle class schools) vs the means of spreading buddhism (common folk under direction of independent teachers, and eventually out of political utility as in japan. )
Where buddhism is pacific and heroic, stoicism is martial and heroic. Otherwise they are similar.
My suspicion is that stoicism would have turned into a religion like stoicism if it had not been suppressed by the jews, christians, and the byzantine (greek) re-conquest of rome.