Feb 9, 2020, 12:08 PM

I’m equally vulnerable to these drugs which is why I don’t touch them. I’ve had four major surgery episodes in my life that required anesthesia, one for eleven hours. The withdrawal from the anesthesia is intolerable to the point at which you almost want to die in order for it to stop. I have inhuman willpower and pain tolerance and I can barely manage getting through it by just knowing that it will end in 90 days. So whenever I have surgery I don’t need pain killers at all. Pain doesn’t bother me. At all. Tylenol is the most I ever need. But I have to plan on being a totally unproductive unpredictable depressed stressed, nervous basket case for sixty days and taking 90 days to recover.

Peterson can’t just walk way like I can. I have no problem letting everything go to hell for ninety days while I recover – no guilt at all. He can’t. Between his wife’s illness, his teaching load, his client load, the projects he has going on, book promotion, speaking engagements, and the degree of concentration one has to rely on in hostile interviews.

I know this guy’s background pretty well. And sure, his popularity is economically rewarding, and it helps your status, but fundamentally this guy is a fellow borderline autist with the attendant limited social anxiety, and attendant introversion, elevated to a position of opportunity in which his inner personality is continuously under duress.

People think that because we are autists we have fewer feelings, and that’s just not true – they are just disorganized chaos (noise) and overwhelming, so we ignore them the way you ignore white noise in the room.

I don’t like Peterson’s devotion to abrahamism or that he’s still a shill for the mainstream. But he does try hard to put forward the cooperationist position that we are biologically and psychologically different and as a consequences, socially and politically different.

And that’s his contribution. And we shouldn’t be pissed at the guy for not being the leader you want.