“Why is democracy so leftist and leftism so treasonous ? a big reason for both of those things is women voters. And i said many times before that women voters make democracy unstable and a return to violence inevitable. Why, because women voters vote for costly and destructive leftist agendas that they can’t fight to defend, so they increase the benefit of fighting to overthrow democracy ,and they increase the cost of supporting democracy but not the benefit.

All leftism is treason, defection, betrayal, and irreciprocity. A friend of mine once observed that treason is the leftists highest moral value. And it’s true. You know, there is nothing leftists love more than to plunge a knife into the back of anyone who shares their genes but not their affectations, anyone who share their ancestry but not their xenophilia, anyone who shares their nationality but not their taste for elaborate and sophisticated dishonesty, anyone who shares their heritage but not their vacuous bankrupt virtue signaling and empty self righteous moral posturing. Leftists are always more loyal to outsiders and enemies than to ethnic or national in-group.” —- Ely Harman