—“Curt: In “Beyond Good and Evil” Nietzsche harshly criticized the stoics and their desire to live according to nature. How do you understand his criticism? do you think it’s an unconditional criticism?”— Ahmed Reda

Nietzsche has the strange german occupation with suffering and striving (armies), (look at medieval german art), whereas the anglos, scandinavians, romans, and greeks(navies) saw the same impulse as achievement and tragedy. ie: as heroic achievement(opportunity) vs heroic endurance (constraint).

So he starts from both a rebellion against Christianity and the German strange preoccupation with suffering (and feces for that matter… damn.).

When Nietzsche has his ‘aha’ moment, studying the Greek Tragedies, and rediscovers that these plays are our equivalent of ‘Church’, he uses the language and ideas available to him to try to restore the Greek (Germanic-Pagan, European Aryan, West Indo European ) presumption that men can join the gods through their heroic deeds, and seek not to please them but at best to mollify them (‘get them out of the way’).

Unfortunately, German philosophy being the conflationary, secular-theological, literary bloviation (bullsh-t) that it is, he does his best with the (limited) rhetorical tools at his intellectual disposal. (Had Rousseau and Kant not struggled so hard to

But, does he tell you how to think and act differently? Or is he simply engaging in sentiment, critique and parable? The latter. Hence why Nietzsche is open to interpretation not imitation.

Now, conversely, the Stoics tell you to live in harmony with nature, but they also **tell you the program of how to learn to do so.***

So we have three components to deal with.

One is …

(a) the set of EXCELLENCES to strive (train) for on the SPECTRUM of CLASS POSSIBILITIES, and the other is …

(b) the METHOD of training yourself (offense) and others, and the last is …

(c) the MINDFULNESS (defense) we obtain from that training.

Aristocracy…………..Middle Class…………Lower Class


Excellence ———— Utility ———–Defenses

Heroic ………………….. Virtuous ………………”Good”..

1 – The Aristocracy obtains defense from conventional morality.

2 – The Middle classes obtain defense from criticism and envy.

3 – The Lower classes obtain defense from position and powerlessness.

So when I recommend Nietzsche it’s largely his “Birth of Tragedy” so that you understand WHAT it is we seek to accomplish by restoring the TRIPARTISM (class cooperation) of the Western Indo Europeans, the Germanics, and the Greco-Romans, … in order to RESCUE us from the MONOPOLY (equality) of the Syrians (Byzantines > Christians > Jews > Babylonians ).

And when I recommend the Stoics (and when I say that the germanic libertarians are trying to unconsciously reconstruct the Stoic Program), I am referring to the METHOD of training that today we call (and Peterson calls) Self-Authoring.

So in my understanding the stoic program is scientific, rational, secular, and simply a form of mental fitness. ANd we can choose our virtues from those of the Aristocracy, Middle Classes, and Lower Classes as needed.

But as far as I can determine it is no longer necessary to rely on supernatural myth (religion), literary parable (mythology), or verbal justificationism (germanic conflationary rationalism), or literary counter-historicism, counter-empiricism, and counter-rationalism (french postmodernism), or the counter-darwinian pseudosciences (ashkenazi pseudoscience of marx, Boas, Freud, Adorno), or the anglo numerology (Keynesian Economics and Rawlsian ethics).

And instead we can simply teach people to select the appropriate virtues (for one’s temperaments, abilities or goals), practice self authoring rituals, and obtain the mindfulness (defense from competing suggestion, approval, and disapproval), and organize by natural law (reciprocity) using a strictly constructed constitution, and the common law of tort, under universal standing. And we can engage in whatever hero worship (archetypal imitation) that we want to given the vast inventory of heroes of all classes we can draw from (historical ‘paganism’ or ancestor worship).

And we can create all the festivals and sports we want to celebrate each – in a market for our heroes.

The only monopoly that exists in that world is the monopoly of Truth in the Testimonial and therefore Scientific sense, and Reciprocity in the juridical sense.

ALl monopolies are bad. That said, one must produce markets that provide forums for all but monopolies.

We are only equal in poverty.

Otherwise we are unequal in markets.

As such we may only cooperate on means, despite our inequalities, and disparate ends.

Curt Doolittle

The Propertarian Institute

Kiev, Ukraine.