October 20th, 2018 10:34 AM


Hmmm…. Well, psychology(Investigation/measurement) vs freudian psychology(projection/fictionalism).

Start at the beginning with Karl Popper on Freud.

The read about the “Operationist” movement in psychology.

Then read about “The replication crisis”.

Then take note of how hard it is to find any papers that do not try to deny psychology is a pseudoscience despite the near zero replicability of findings. “The Ladies Doth Protest Too Much” is rather obvious. Data is data. Replication is replication. Psychology and sociology don’t replicate. Ergo, it’s not science.

Freudian categories are outright fabrications – he just made it up. Why? We all carry our cultural baggage with us. Judaism enforces conformity with the feminine bias (entrapment/herd) and europeanism encourages exceptionalism (innovation/pack). Freud stated the jewish and feminine psychology in pseudoscientific terms, (he basically invented the concept of ‘rape culture’ that is a psychosis of the feminine mind).

Nietzsche stated the european and masculine psychology casting the feminine as a catastrophe (correctly). Just as Marx was a Jewish reaction to Darwin, Freud was a Jewish reaction to Nietzsche, Frankfurt was a Jewish Reaction to Spencer et al.

Jung came along and tried to correct Freud by using literary archetypes, which were free of Jewish/Feminine psychosis, and provided a normative model compared to Nietzsche’s reformation and restoration of western civilization.

The war period resulted in pseudoscience through about the Regan Revolution of the 1980s, and the technological revolution and fall of the soviet and chinese empires in the 1990’s.

As usual, science (empiricism, and warranty of due diligence) saved us from nonsense.

Psychotherapy is a pseudoscience (talk therapy), although counseling (mentoring) is not.

Cognitive behavior therapy (training) is not a pseudoscience, it is just stoicism applied correctively rather than as an ordinary universal training of the mind.

Psychiatry (medication and surgery) is not a pseudoscience and it was the first strike against the pseudosciences of the Freudians.

Psychology isn’t always a pseudoscience – but is mostly – because only economics provides us with good data on human behavior (demonstrated preference and bias). The fact that we cannot actually run experiments in economics is precisely the reason we have a harder time projecting, and that economic pseudoscience is largely achieved by innumeracy: cherry picking the income statement over the balance sheet in order to hide destruction of accumulated capital.

Cog Sci is not really a term used any longer, but represented an attempt by a GENERATION of scholars to LEAVE the pseudoscience of psychology behind. It was made possible largely by imaging and computer imaging technology which let us examine (relatively un-intrusively) the workings of the brain. And we have made huge progress in the past twenty years in exposing psychology (projectionism) as a pseudoscience. And replaced it with subfields that study language, cognitive bias, emotions, neurology, brain structure, etc without the ‘projection’ (fantasizing) that constituted psychology.

Propertarianism/Acquisitionism provide a superior means of describing behavior (incentives, biases, and actions). This is why it’s so important a vocabulary and grammar for metaphysics, psychology, social science, politics, and law.
