(FB 1544196465 Timestamp)


  1. Absolute Nuclear Family:

a. Spouse selection: Free, but obligatory exogamy.

b. Inheritance: Indifference – no precise rules, frequent use of wills.

c. Family Home: no cohabitation of married children with their parents.

d. Representative Nations, Peoples, Regions: Anglo-Saxon world, Holland, Denmark.

e. Representative Ideology: Christianity, Capitalism, `Libertarian’ Liberalism, and Feminism.

  1. Egalitarian Nuclear Family:

a. Spouse selection: Free, but obligatory exogamy.

b. Inheritance: Egalitarian – equality between brothers.

c. Family Home: no cohabitation of married children with their parents.

d. Representative Nations, Regions: northern France, northern Italy, central & southern Spain, central Portugal, Greece, Romania, Poland, Latin America, Ethiopia.

e. Representative Ideology: Christianity (Catholicism); the “Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite” form of Liberalism. 2. Authoritarian Family:

a. Spouse selection: Parents, little or no marriage between children of brothers.

b. Inheritance: Anti-Egalitarian – inequality between brothers, transfer of patrimony to one son.

c. Family Home: cohabitation of the married heir with his parents.

d. Representative Nations, Peoples, Regions: Germany, Austria, Sweden, Norway, Belgium, Bohemia, Scotland, Ireland, peripheral regions of France, northern (Basque) Spain, northern Portugal, Japan, Korea, Jews, Romany Gypsies.

e. Representative Ideology: Fascism, various separatist and autonomous (anti-universalist) movements.

4: Exogamous Community Family:

a. Spouse selection: Parents, no marriage between the children of two brothers.

b. Inheritance: Egalitarian – equality between brothers.

c. Family Home: cohabitation of married sons with their parents.

d. Representative Nations, Regions: Russia, Yugoslavia, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Hungary, Finland, Albania, central Italy, China, Vietnam, Cuba and north India.

e. Representative Ideology: Communism, Socialism.

  1. Endogamous Community Family:

a. Spouse selection: Custom, frequent marriage between the children of brothers.

b. Inheritance: Egalitarian – equality between brothers.

c. Family Home: cohabitation of married sons with their parents.

d. Representative Nations, Peoples, Regions: Arab world, Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tadzhikistan.

e. Representative Ideology: Islam. 2. Asymmetrical Community Family:

a. Spouse selection: Custom, prohibition on marriages between the children of brothers, but a preference for marriages between the children of brothers and sisters.

b. Inheritance: Egalitarian – equality between brothers.

c. Family Home: cohabitation of married sons with their parents.

d. Representative Regions: southern India.

e. Representative Ideology: Same

7: Anomic Family:

a. Spouse selection: Free, but without obligatory exogamy; consanguine marriage possible and sometimes frequent.

b. Inheritance: Indifference – uncertainty about equality between brothers, inheritance rules egalitarian in theory but uncertain in practice.

c. Family Home: cohabitation of married children with parents rejected in theory but accepted in practice.

d. Representative Nations, Peoples, Regions:

e. Representative Ideology: Buddhism, Christianity, and Communism, but potentially anything.