—“What is your political stance?”—

How about Conservative(aristocratic), Libertarian (rule of law), which means my stance is EUGENIC.

And certainly not Progressive (priestly), Humanist (rule by discretion), which means DYSGENIC.

As far as I know:

(a) we either rule by discretion or rule by law (not legislation but law).

(b) we either rule by eugenics and wealth, or rule by dysgenics and poverty.

Because all political orders are deterministic. You either get a massive middle class (classical liberalism), get a caste system (india, south america), or you get a massive underclass (islam).

Because in the end your relative standard of living is dependent upon the size of your underclass. Really. That’s all it is. Seriously.

So choose between paying the piper now (conservative wealth and eugenics) or paying the piper later (progressive poverty and dysgenics ).