(FB 1552849708 Timestamp)
—“Javier Perez de Quaoar
[Liberals are] Not motivated by their good intentions, but by their emotional need to continue a just war that was won in 1965 by mutating it into a wrongheaded (and conveniently unwinnable) war on every perceivable or imaginable inequality. It is as if Patton, upon reaching Czechoslovakia, had decided to launch a general war on “tyranny” to satisfy his lust for a good tank battle.”—
—“It is the liberal order that is fundamentally hierarchical, class-based and difractive (it relies on difference and division to survive). Like Hillary’s recent resurrection of her southern drawl or wealthy/hollywood lib types buy their kids into elite schools, it is a conscious (or even unconscious) methodology for obtaining/keeping power while faking solidarity with hundreds (if not thousands) of seperate groups they actually care nothing for.
This liberal order is breaking down in that the infighting and emboldening of these various castes is bringing their own power struggles to the surface (ihlan omar and muslims vs jews, blacks vs latinos, lgbtqflavor-o-month libs against straight libs etc) in such a way that reveals the real shell game.
This also fits an idea out of Albion’s Seed where there is a distinct relationship with liberals (and southerners) to the ‘cavaliers’…those anglo-saxon nobility that came to America in it’s early years. It is the ‘borderer’ that is actually more egalitarian.
African Americans have never left the plantation. Ever. LBJ was absolutely successful. They have remained a solid Dem voting block ever since his ‘great society’ project.”—