May 6, 2020, 11:03 AM
—“Do you condone the IRA, Mao, Etc?”—
What a stupid question. Really.
“Do you condone prosecution of criminals”
“Do you condone warfare”
“Do you condone market economies”
“Do you condone evolutionary necessity”
“Do you condone gravity.”
What is the market demand for morality(reciprocity) versus immorality (irreciprocity)? What is market demand for peace versus war? What is the limit of the utility of morality?
Condone” = approve of, sanction, fail to suppress, fail to resist, fail to act to prevent some display word or deed – especially with reluctance under the presumption of an act of irreciprocity, where amoral, ethical and moral consist of non imposition of costs upon the demonstrated intersets of others with whom one or the group values cooperation within the limits of provoking retaliation.
Implication(irreciprocal, harm) = criminal (direct physical), unethical (direct informational), moral (anonymous indirect informational or physical for personal gain or to prevent personal loss), evil (direct or indirect, informational or physical, loss regardless of personal gain or loss).
Implication(irreciprocal, population) = scope of cooperation( inter-familial, interpersonal, inter-social, inter-political, universal).
There is no morality in war. There is a demand for avoidance of harm in war. There is a market demand for harm in war. The market supplies what is necessary to prevent war, or to conduct war. This is why we are at war 2/3 of the time in human history.
War for survival and persistence is the natural state of all creatures – we create political systems to limit war wether criminal, conspiratorial, political, or inter-political.
Western man domesticated war largely by the Westphalian peace. We thought we could force the world into adopting the Westphalian peace. Communists ended the Westphalian peace but we nearly restored it because of our asymmetric power. Islamists copied the communists and ended the Westphalian peace. But we are unable due to dependence upon oil to resist their advancement once again after less than a century of suppressing their warfare against all civilization.
So that is why we are in 4th Generation Warfare. Its why we lost in the middle east. Its’ why we are losing against china. Because we have domesticated warfare but by failing to complete the colonial program because of our world wars, we have failed to contain warfare to the Westphalian peace, and instead are reverting to natural warfare: a war of all against all where the state has lost control of actors who can create wars.
The IRA demonstrated why it was possible at small scale. Mao how it was possible at large scale. The bolsheviks how it was possible from within. The communists how it was possible from within. Now the islamists are imitating the communists and undermining from within.
And you wonder why I bother talking to people like you?
Because I don’t blame you for intentionally being lied to and made ignorant sot that you were suckers for warfare-from within by marxism-postmodernism-feminism-hbd-denialism that unified pseudoscience, sophistry, and denial to replace christian supernaturalism, sophistry, and denial, so that you could be once again governed and profited from by a parasitic political and financial class intent on reversing a thousand years of eugenics that made possible the european miracle just it had the greek and roman miracles.