(FB 1543074984 Timestamp)

—“[List of developments under christianity]”—

^ Someone want to identify and explain this logical fallacy?

In other words, (a) range of choices under monopoly religion, (b) because of -vs- in spite of, (c) rates prior and after vs rates during, (d) evidence of demilitarization and feminization to the point of indefensibility (e) evidence of mandated illiteracy, (f) evidence of capital sequestration and rents, (g) rate of development after restoration of pre-abrahamic thought. (h) rate of development after defunding and disempowering the church, (i) rate of development after restoring literacy, (j) rate of development after de-sequestration of capital…. I mean, and the post darwinian collapse of a church unable and unwilling to reform (k) and the greater remaining corruption by longer under the church (l) the church’s movement to prey upon third worlders that they can ‘fool’ rather than reform to serve the european people. the church institutionalized semitic corruption.