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There isn’t any difference between taleb and I other than he prefers literary philosophy, literature, reason, and math. He’s exhausted the math direction. He’s pretty much exhausted the literary direction, and he is very close to understanding that there is no positivist solution, and that only the law (warranty of due diligence) – which he calls skin in the game – is a possible method of testing whether individuals have sufficient agency AND honesty AND ethics to make choices.
Otherwise I don’t know why we’re incompatible.
Jeppeson hasn’t had an idea other than to retread derrida by adding in chomsky, and trying to create ‘social construction’ of authoritarianism (a religion of male authoritarian postmodernism) to compete with the left’s religion of feminine authoritarianism.)
(I just deal with science, economics, law, education, and now that form of education we call religion.)