October 12th, 2018 5:36 PM
I would argue that just as IE weaponized the male reproductive and persuasive strategy (aristocracy, heroism, truth, duty, reciprocity, law of tort: the Trial of Achilles), the Semites weaponized the female reproductive and persuasive strategy and produced a counter-revolution (heroism of submission, suffering, fictionalism, proportionality, conformity: the trials of the jews, the trials of jesus). Iteratively producing an intellectual vanguard (rabbinical judaism), revolt (christianity), and conquest by raiding (islam) producing the Abrahamic Dark Ages.
And that Rousseau-Kant-Hegel are a rationalist counter-revolution against the anglo empiricists, and that Marx-Boaz-Freud-Cantor-Adorno (pseudoscience) produce a parallel counter revolution against the Scientific and Industrial Revolution of Darwin-Maxwell-Menger-Spencer-Nietzsche, and French POMO/Derrida-to-Rorty a reformation of Marx/Boaz/Freud produce a sophistry of denialism. All of which science is overthrowing at present, but not as fast as immigrants are being pumped into the system as replacement populations. (This analyzes the method of argument – or ‘grammars of argument’ – used by each party, rather than their claimed intentions.)
Mathematics-Mathematical Sophism/Innumeracy
Female Conflict Strategy: disapproval, shaming, ridicule, rallying, gossiping, straw manning, and reputation destruction without end (destruction).
Male Conflict Strategy: Argument, Threat, Violence, Conspiracy, ending with sortition (knowing one’s place) (oddly, males are actually closer and more loyal after fighting if ending in submission not ‘beating’.)
In general, females never stop. Males stop.
Abrahamic religions, continental rationalism, marxism-freudianism-feminism, french-anglo postmodernism rely on Pilpul (justificationary sophism), Critique (female conflict strategy of straw manning etc), producing relations inconstant, inconsistent, and incoherent with reality, but sufficient for pre-cognitive resistance at the cost of agency.
This is in competition with European literature, philosophy, history, economics, law, science, logic, and mathematics of relations correspondent consistent and coherent with reality, sufficient for the production agency, and as a consequence of continuous recursive innovation.