1 – There are limits to interpersonal action – that is the meaning of ‘ethical’.

2 – There are limits to social action – that’s the meaning of ‘moral’.

3 – There are limits to political action – that is the meaning of ‘sacred’.

1 – There are circumstances that are ethically constrained and circumstances that are not.

2 – Circumstances that are morally constrained and circumstances that are not.

3 – Circumstances that are sacred and constrained, and circumstances that are not.

Festivals, Rituals, Churches, and Courts are sacred because the function of these venues is to deprive us of individualism such that we bond in equality outside of the competitive markets for association, cooperation, reproduction, production, commons, and political power.

These venues are not markets. We have markets for association, cooperation, reproduction, production, commons, and political power. We agree to peaceably compete in those markets only because we agree to preserve the sacred, the moral, and the ethical outside of them.

Instead these venues are for demonstration of self sacrifice for the development of trust among super predators that cohabitate in close proximity.

To politicize festival and ritual is to violate the ethical, moral, and sacred and to create division in that medium the sole purpose of which is to unite us.

If you destroy our means of sacredness, morality, and ethics, then you destroy our ability to trust one another. It is precisely the function of ethical, moral, and sacred conditions that allow us to develop the trust that is necessary for personal, social, and political mindfulness, and the consequences of our trust or lack of it.

The left has worked diligently to undermine the ethical (truth), the moral (family and responsibility), and the sacred (limits to selfishness). The only step after violating the sacred is civil war.

The fact that anyone would violate sacredness and politicize a festival (Ritual) is simply evidence that we are already in a cold civil war.

And we are very close to a hot civil war that will tear it all to pieces.