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Time, Institution, Ritual, and Tradition, depersonalize training (education) of the intuitions, such that the resistance we have to being taught by those who we may not know, not understand, disdain, dislike, fear, is circumvented. As such the teachers can be demanding, use false promise, intimidation, and fear to teach to those who are not kin.
Repeating oaths does its work.
Repeating parables does its work.
Creating perception of debts does its work.
Creating ostracization and inclusion with those oaths, parables, in continuous payment of those debts does its work.
The question is this:
What OATHS are True, and Good?
What PARABLES teach the True and the Good?
What DEBTS produce the True, and Good?
What PROMISES of Inclusion, and THREATS of Ostracization produce the True and the Good?
What FEASTS and FESTIVALS teach reward for all that do so?
We can disassemble our religion into Oaths, Parables, Debts, Promises and Threats, Feast and Festivals, and in doing so construct a legal system – because that is what it consists of: a law of intuition – and then replace the false and bad with the true and good.
We can replace submission with pacifism with domestication, submission with non-submission, lack of agency with agency, oath a lie, with oath to our people, transcendence into a lie, with transcendence into the gods we imagine, eternal life in a lie with eternal persistence and recurrence among our people, and Marxism, Postmodernism, Feminism, and the Hatred of White Men with Sovereignty, Reciprocity, Truth, Duty, Natural Law, Voluntary Markets, and Transcendence, with The Love of Our People both male and female.
No More Lies.
We Europeanized Christianity from a resistance movement to an excuse for aryanism. And by the twentieth century were shaking off the remains and restoring our aryanism.
Underneath christian falsehood is merely this:
EXCELLENCE (Virtue): I proudly display my excellences so that others seek to achieve or exceed them; I seek competition to constantly test and improve myself so I do not weaken;
SOVEREIGNTY; I grant sovereignty to my kin and demand it;
TRUTH: I swear to speak no insult and demand it; I speak the truth and demand it; I take nothing not paid for and demand it; Cause no harm without restitution for it;
DUTY: I insure my people regardless of condition, and demand it; and in doing so leave nothing but voluntary markets of cooperation between sovereign men; and to discipline, enserf, enslave, ostracize or kill those who do otherwise;
COURAGE: I shall not show fear or cowardice, abandon my brothers, or retreat, and I shall seek to die a good death in the service of my kin, my clan, my tribe and my people.
LOVE: The eradication of hatred from the human heart;The extension of kinship love to non-kin. The extension of exhaustive forgiveness before punishment, enserfment, enslavement, death, or war; and the commitment to personal acts of charity for those who are in need.
NATURE: I accept the laws of nature as binding on all of existence; and; I treat nature as sacred and to be contemplated, protected and improved; and; I treat the world as something to transform closer to an Eden in whatever ways I can before I die; and
SUPREMACY OF MAN: I deny the existence of a supreme being with dominion over the physical laws, and treat all gods, demigods, heroes, saints, figures of history, and ancestors as characters with whom I may speak to in private contemplation in the hope of gaining wisdom and synchronicity from having done so.