(FB 1548972243 Timestamp)
by Andy Curzon
I see IQ as the sixth personality dimension.
Each one has a ‘stretchiness’, a trainability.
1 – Conscientiousness [the activity & in some cases overlapping into the agency dimension] (the most trainable of all the traits upwards although after 11-12 years old this becomes harder, and increasingly so into one’s 20s and 30s);
2 – Agreeableness [in some sense the agency dimension and separates men as disagreeable and women agreeable] (remarkably stable throughout life, although there are Kuhnian paradigm shifts [huge life-changing events or epiphanies usually] that slide extremely disagreeable people to the other end of the scale or vice versa I);
3 – Neuroticism [the right hemisphere / threat perceiving / negative emotion dimension](immovable upwards in a similar way to IQ [we haven’t found a way other than drugs yet] and bad life events oft make neurotic people hyper-neurotic);
4 – Openness [the creativity dimension, highly correlated with IQ] (the most interesting in that it appears people can train only toward their side of the fence…open people can ‘open the doors of perception’ [to use a Huxlian term] and closed people tend to become even more specialised as they mature, but cases of Kuhnian shifts have not been documented afaik, but there are almost always exceptions);
5 – Extraversion [the left hemisphere / opportunity perceiving / positive emotion dimension] (low-mid range trainability either way but high reversion rate so training has to be maintained);
6 – IQ [pattern recognition] many things bring IQ down (smart professors not doing exercise for example) but nothing is known to raise it, yet.
I don’t know if you’re on board with all that but the key is they were all statistically derived….as a parallel to English common law, rather than by ‘fiat’ like the Myers-Briggs.
I find the six dimension extremely useful when profiling people.
( CD: I use male (compartmental) vs female (integrated) first. then the six dimensions that includes above, which then explains male-female difference in Factor TRAITS, including male vs female in IQ distribution as well. )
METHOD: Gender > Factor(dimension) > Trait (bias)