(FB 1545150911 Timestamp)


by The Propertarian Institute

Let’s understand Claire’s critique: Claire is a die-hard advocate for monotheistic religious, Christian if necessary, and Muslim if possible, Authoritarianism. Her argument is reducible to “I can’t understand it so it’s not good”, and here motive is “I can understand authoritarian religion so it is good.”

That’s all she has to say – really. The rest is just (((critique))): meaning criticism of straw men, rather than proposal of a possible educational, social, economic, legal, and political order that can compete with the alternatives.

Critique is always employed as a deceit. It’s just been Industrialized during the (((late 19th and entire 20th))) centuries due to the hostile attack on western civilization in the modern world using sophism, utopianism, and pseudoscience like judaism, christianity, and islam used sophism and supernaturalism to create a hostile attack on the great civilizations of the ancient world, through the natural vulnerability of women to such ideas, and the natural demand by the underclass of such ideas – despite those ideas being in conflict with anything other than dysgenia and decline. -Cheers

Fool us once, shame one (((abrahamists))) of all religions. Fool us twice, shame on us for letting them.