(FB 1547577839 Timestamp)
The Social Media (Collaboration) features are all working now.
The Feed = FB’s Home.
My Page = FB’s Profile Page
My Education = Classes I’m involved in.
Everyone(Forum) = FB Group (feed) with attached forum(topics).
Course Catalog.
You can:
Sign up for the mailing list
Register to participate in the chit chat (when there IS some)
Fill out your profile a bit.
Almost There….
- (soon) Apply for Membership (taking classes).
(Application is just a way of making sure you know that this is real university level courses and that it’s real work, and that you aren’t an antagonist or some such thing…. etc).
Just a little more marketing blurbs, terms, and other nonsense to add.
Then the ‘how to use the site’ videos.
Then The Core and Art classes.
So we are moving pretty fast now.
Hugs all.