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—“A strong sense of social unity and collective security also prevailed among the Germanic peoples in the early Middle Ages. Although they may have been less culturally sophisticated than the contemporary Japanese, like them, the Germanic peoples did not have immediate social or spiritual needs which Christianity might fulfill.

Also, the homogeneity of early medieval Germanic society, like that of contemporary Japan, did not predispose it to the Christian message. Christianity tends to flourish in heterogeneous societies in which there exist high levels of anomie, or social destabilization. Since the relationship of social structure to ideological structure and religious expression will play a significant role in this inquiry,a brief discussion of fundamental concepts is presented here.”—

—“”essentially, there is a heightened consciousness of their [japanese] identity as a distinct people, of their membership in a group whose purposes they are willing to serve at the expense of their own.””—

Diversity not only generates demand for an authoritarian state, but for a supernatural religion.

Why? To find an alternative to KINSHIP RULE, AND ANCESTOR WORSHIP.

[] Germanization of Early Medieval Christianity (GEMC)