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Let me help you. I don’t want to ‘lead’. Especially losers. I want to provide a solution. I want to arm people with possibility. I want leadership to emerge by attracting talent to the solution. I want our people to win.

And it won’t be ANYONE on the alt right that emerges.


Getting alt-righters what they want as working class men and leading the alt right are contradictory propositions. I’m in it for the little guy. They guy with a job, a family, and who is being fked by the Cathedral complex. And for our people’s persistence.

I don’t need to be inspiring. I don’t seek to be. I need to manufacture a weapon that will work. And I need people to not cause damage to that weapon through stupidity, ignorance, arrogance, and signaling.

And I’ve led most of my life thanks. The only reason I end up leading is if everyone better than I am fails. So stop trying to make me a cult leader, OR insult me for NOT being a cult leader. Because you do both. Which is ironic. I am either not a cult leader and therefore not good, or a cult leader and therefore bad. When the fact is I am an educator and solution provider, and that is all. What you mean is, you want me to carry your water. Because you can’t.

I’ve done the engineering. You need to do the work.

But your bullshit just hurts you. Not me. I can’t lose. The worst that happens to me is I produce a Tome that will bear my name for years, while I enjoy what remains of my life. The worst that happens to you is exactly what you fear.
