There was a time, not so long ago, that this question would have been met with “Why?” lol

—“How can I learn to communicate like you do? One cannot effectively communicate what is inside without the proper language or outlet to express those things.”— A Friend

I would have to understand you a bit better to know how to answer that. But yes, Propertarianism makes it possible to speak what is in your mind in scientific terms.

I think understanding what I teach requires a great deal of knowledge that unfortunately, we are INTENTIONALLY not taught.

I suppose that when I offer my class this january, that you can join that and I can help teach it to you.

There are a couple of problems learning.

  1. learning to think ‘via-negativa’ (in what will make this false) is much harder than how we think today in the ‘via positiva’.

  2. learning to describe everything in economic and commercial terms is also somewhat difficult

Because doing both of those requires re-training our ‘intuition’ so that you leave behind the supernatural, and moral ages, and speak in scientific terms of the scientific age.

Then learning WHY that is true, requires learning ‘the grammars of speech’ which i don’t think is TOO hard, and then learning testimonialism (the grammar of falsification).

It’s basically like learning a law degree. But the difference is, that ‘once you see the world this way’ it will all fit together and much more of it will be clear to you.

At that point you will be able to ‘speak what is in your mind’ because you will have the vocabulary for it.