I posed a map of the nine individual countries within the chinese empire, as a comparison to the nine nations of north american empire, and the twenty odd nations of europe in the EU’s attempt at the long standing French project of a european empire.
This is a copy of the thread. It’s a back and forth between someone in china and me. My point was to test whether they would ban my account rather than tolerate the truth. it worked. But it’s evidence of how russia and china both use trolls to protect the internal narrative.
—“This is why westerners shouldn’t have opinions”—?????Rainbow flag?? @sunkiisss
This is why chinese shouldn’t have western technology. 😉
—“You mean gunpowder, paper and CRISPR? Fucken dumbarse, no wonder America is in decline”—Henry Yin @healingbyhenry
I mean truth-before-face, rule of law, jury and testimony, independent judiciary, science, medicine, industry, and technology you beg, borrow and steal from us. … We did more in 400 years in the ancient world and 400 years in the modern than you did in 3000 – and we had a dark age in between.
—“Information belongs to everyone, not just the west.”—
That is communist chinese propaganda. Does that mean your ancestors who kept the secret recipe for porcelain should not have?
A thing belongs to those who use strength to maintain their ownership. We don’t use strength – Because we wanted to end your primitive barbarism. We didn’t conquer you because we were Christian. We ended your poverty by letting you steal our technology because we are Christian. We had Christian faith that once you failed at Communism you would no longer be barbarians.
We were wrong. You remain barbarians.
This means we must eventually war and end your barbarism. You are animals. You are filthy. You make disease and plague. You lie like thieves about everything. You steal everything. You allow children kidnapped, women raped,and people run over by trucks in daylight and do nothing.