October 12th, 2018 1:26 PM


Long term, while She can feed herself, and provide her own energy, and capture enough taxation to project local power, France has been, and will continue to be, the Enemy of European civilization – attempting at all times to drag her into feminine mediterraneanism and semiticism, while Germany must continuously expand her trade to maintain her position, and integrate with eastern europe, and russia for agrarian production (poland, ukraine), labor (poland, ukraine, russia), and resources (russia), while maintaining her relations with italy (seaports, aesthetics). Only Russia understands the threat to eurasia because only Russia faces it all along her borders. France has surrendered to it, but then France of the north may be German, but France of the south is Mediterranean, and Paris is but new Jerusalem in postmodern sophist rather than semitic supernatural prose, sold to gullible women and men of the academy who cannot produce by commercial, scientific, and military means.

(WHY IS CURT STARTING THIS DISCUSSION? France, not Germany, is positioned to dominate europe upon the withdrawal of the USA from functioning as the word’s police force.)