by @MartialSociety
The Great Intellectual division of The West—Aristotle vs Platonism, Empiricism vs Rationalism, Naturalism vs Idealism—finds its origins in the acquisitional (worldly) conflict between those who posses agency, and consequently produce order & the transcendence of Man from beast…
…to gods through the incremental mastery over self, ignorance & nature against those who lack agency, submit to chaos, produce a dysgenic dominance hierarchy & surrender to a hostile & unknowble nature.
Less poetically, this conflict has always been familial (genetic) in nature, and that by the time of the Axial age, that warfare became of those who can compete in the market for rule & sovereignty against those who could not compete nor provide sufficient incentive to…
…cooperate by market through strict observance to the natural laws of sovereign men & to the norms that produce (increase) & maintain agency.
More scientifically, Inter-group (familial, tribal, ethnic, racial) competition in the acquisition of (a) resources (free-energy & raw materials, which we employ in the production of consumption goods, capital & (warfare) technologies at increasing rates of entropy dissipation)..
… (b) females (temporal persistence: genetic survival across time) & (c) territorial assets (strategic holdings of superior land, ports, trade routes & natural defense) selects for groups with marginally, yet incrementally, superior/optimal management of human capital by norm..
…law & institutions via incremental elimination/suppression (negativa) of groups with suboptimal, marginally inferior institutions, norms, genetic capital, territorial (resource) holdings.
Let us return from our detour, though it is worthy to note that I found the reduction necessary so as to avoid any charges that I hold to convictions contrary to the facts produced by the sciences, but I also wanted to preface a more abstract discussion on language and grammars..
…with parallel (commensurable) arguments, written with increasing informational completeness covarying with specificity in terminology, and varying inversely with the degree of assumed context (shared frames of reference).
As outlined above, incompletely admittedly, the origin of philosophical (metaphysical, epistemic & methodological) disagreement stems from genetic conflict. And we know that from the cognitive sciences that the latter determines the former, though the particular-manifestations…
…will vary according to the relevant decision-ecologies; which can be modeled as Nash equilibriums, as acquisitional games between competing agents & clusters (familial, tribal, class, ethnic & racial) with three means of acquisition: (a) remuneration, (b) violence…
(c) manipulation of social accnting (gossip, fraud & deceit). The agents will be bounded by these constraints & and produce a Pareto-optimal distribution as they inter-act (make choices in a social ecology) w/ other agents in forming & joining clusters (defect<->cooperate axes).
& when competing with other agents and clusters (suppression/defense<->parasitism/predation axes). I maintain that competitively-inferior kin-groups and their individual members, have the incentive to form larger coalitions inasmuch as they *must* do so in order to survive…
…(resist domestication), &that in order to maintain the cohesiveness (sufficient degree of non-conflict) of coalitions between non-kin requires the production of abstract (non-worldly) symbols and memes, and consequently the norms & signals required for…
…the functioning of the dominance hierarchy.