Mar 3, 2020, 7:20 AM
—“You talk around the issue rather than the issue it self, what you call abrahamism should be called human nature, it rests in each of us and we have the choice to choose which side we feed, what i love about p is it spells out the law to where no one can wiggle around it, the thing i hate about p is yall talk yourselves out of it.”— Justin Coone
(Hi Justin 😉 )
Everything humans do is human nature.
Math, science, engineering, medicine, law and economics are human constructs: systems of reasoning that describe the world.
Aristotelianism, Platonism, Confucianism, Abrahamism and less so Buddhism and Hinduism are systems of reasoning (logic in the lesser sense), that persist group strategies.
The question is why europeans developed Math, science, engineering, medicine, law and economics and other people developed judaism, christianity, islam, and marxism, neo-marxism, postmodernism, feminism, and universalism.
Group strategy.
That said, we can use the law to peacefully suppress the use of science to create physical weapons of mass destruction, and suppress the use of abrahamism to create informational weapons of mass destruction.
Using P-Law we can create heterogeneous or homogenous localities, counties, and states to serve the wants of any and all. And the markets will justify or falsify our ‘theories of social organization.’
We just can’t lie about it.
And we don’t need to have a civil war to see who wins.
P-law is the solution.