Feb 1, 2020, 8:43 PM

by Bill Joslin

I think the threat detection issue spans the entire political, soci-economic bell curve. i think think this stems from “threat signal saturation”.

I suspect threat saturation disrupts friend foe identification.

friend foe identification expresses differently across the bell curves –

The left has an inverted identification – where in-group competitive drives supersede predator proximity drives.

And the right has an amplified “err on the side of false positives” where proximity sensitivity becomes applied to friends.

In both cases this results in a positive feedback loop which exacerbates the problem.

We live with a nightmarish degree of anomie – social instability resulting from a breakdown of standards and values.

In rat utopia, normie rats in proximity to the beautiful ones display this behavior – obsessive territorial marking – because they lose the ability to tell the difference from fellow colony marking from adversarial markings.