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He’s meteorically successful. And that’s good and bad. I would like to have meteoric success after the institute had graduated a few courses, and the book was published, so that it was much harder to ‘make shit up’ rather than defend the work.
So, this meteoric rise increases our reach at the expense of the burden of those on the right who have failed for years. Our success illustrates their failure.
These members of the failed-right are envious of John’s success and are using his success as a coattail to ride on. By attacking our work (and me) they can generate interest from the tinfoil hat and zig-heil crowds. And so it’s expected.
Now, my strategy with the libertine-libertarians, was to understand, and then destroy the movement as best I could – which at this point is pretty much the ‘lol-bertarians’.
The failed-right needs the same treatment as the failed-libertarians. The winning right is not destined for the limited demographic of keyboard meme-warriors seeking ideology, nor those seeking paternal authority to save them, nor those seeking religion to save them. Those without agency cannot be saved – they can only stay out of the way.
So my strategy is to pivot.
Because the conservative mainstream is vast. And they care about policy, because they have agency, because they have skin in the game.
And the failed-right is death sentence for anything touching it.
The purpose of any movement is to obtain power. And to obtain power one needs something that can sell. And not to the fringe, but to the mainstream. Once one has power, then the future consists of a field of choices.