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No, Jordan, you’re just comfortable tolerating White Lies [1]. You are comfortable with white lies because white lies are how we provide solace to those who are suffering when we cannot ,or cannot afford to, or will not, take the actions necessary to end that suffering.

Your work as a therapist could involve cognitive behavioral therapy. It does involve suggestion by the use of narration, thereby circumventing the trauma, analysis, and self criticism all of us make use of.

But then you take this means of suggestion from the realm of interpersonal circumvention of trauma so that we might offer education by suggestion, and attempt to scale it to education.

And this is where your white lies become ordinary lies, which you justify (obscure) with the lie of conflating the truth with the good and the preferable. There is no such thing as ‘darwinian truth’. There is only utility that satisfies a personal good, or a personal preference. We can weave a set of these utilities, like a story, into a justificationary network, that provides us with defense against our fears and insecurities – rather than training us out of fear and insecurity. But these are just another network of white lies.

Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Buddhism are constructed of little other than these comforting white lies. Stoicism in the form of ritual self authoring(mindfulness) and ritual ancestor worship(Thanks), ritual community worship(thanks), and ritual nature worship(thanks) do nothing other than perform cognitive behavioral therapy that gives us confidence to act in a kaleidic universe the causal density of which is beyond our comprehension.

So, Even today you maintain your market position with white lies. And you selectively argue with (a) scientific results, (b) clinical example, (c) historical example, and lastly (d) parables constructed of those white lies.

And while in therapy, absent chemical assistance necessary to provide distance between cognition and trauma, fear, and insecurity, white lies allow us to operate by suggestion. Such lies do not scale.

There are 1B dead between old world abrahamism( judaism, christianity, islam), and new world abrahamism (marxism, postmodernism, and feminism) and a thousand year dark age some of us are still trying to drag our civilization out of.

And abrahamism consists of what appear to be white lies: False promise of the impossible, and destructive if successful, straw man criticism of the opposition, a vast network of lies in supernatural (religious), pseudoscientific (feminism, marxism, freudianism, boasianism, cantoriansim, messianism, keynesianism and mathematical platonism), sophist (postmodernism) prose, defended not by rational, operational, and scientific argument, but where argument is avoided by disapproval, shaming, ridicule, rallying, gossip, undermining, and reputation destruction on the personal, social, political, and intellectual scales.

So no. There is no ‘excuse’ (justification) for white lies outside of catastrophic loss, therapy, injury, sick bed, and death bed. There is only one truthful definition of truth: that which is decidable independent of individual comprehension, preference, or collective good.

And worse, it is through the scale of white lies that we have endured and still endure, a dark age of ignorance, and the billion lives loss to the conflicts created by defense of lies and offence with lies.


Curt Doolittle

The Propertarian Institute

Kiev, Ukraine

[1] white lie[comfort] > grey lie[avoidance] > black lie[predation] > ‘Evil’(harm for harm’s sake)