October 11th, 2018 6:43 AM
—“While I might understand what he says it makes me realize how under educated I am and how much more I need to learn.”— Vinny Vidivicci
Just one note. (a) You were deprived of education purposefully, to make you ignorant, and pliable for the authoritarian ‘Self Anointed’ left. (b) We learned a great deal from the experiments of the 20th century and only now are synthesizing our understanding of it. (c) That understanding is contentious because between women and immigrants we are the minority trying to preserve empirical, nomocratic (rule of law), market, meritocratic civilization. (d) In a division of perception, cognition, memory, labor, negotiation, and advocacy, some of us can specialize in ‘synthesis’ so that others can ‘consume’ our intellectual product. I have a gift, and have been successful enough in business to devote the vast majority of my time to this effort – so you don’t have to. Just as whatever you do, means I don’t have to do it. And this is why ‘nomocratic, market, meritocratic’ civilization works to provide such disproportionate returns – as long as we are truthful, dutiful, and reciprocal with one another.
-hugs brother.