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—“Are you a right wing libertarian?”—
Hard to answer that question any longer. I write on Testimonial (Complete Scientific) Truth; the natural law of reciprocity; nomocracy (rule of law) under that natural law; the uniqueness of western civlization (individual sovereignty, reciprocity, truth, duty, judge-jury-law, and the resulting markets in everything: association, cooperation, production, reproduction, commons, polities, and war). In effect the formal logic and science of cooperation that we call ‘social science’ written as ‘law’.
“Libertarian” now refers unfortunately to Anarchism since it was usurped by the anarcho capitalists. And “Liberal” has been usurped by the american socialists. And I have lost nearly all my confidence in any form of democracy other than markets – and in doing so moved those markets into the houses of government, eliminating monopoly rule. So classical liberal is not available to me either.
You would find my policy recommendations left of center, but my democratic recommendations right of center, and you probably wouldnt understand my economic work.
But in the end result, all questions of politics devolve into Masculine Meritocratic, Capitalization, and Eugenics, versus Feminine Equalitarian, Consumption, and Dysgenics. In that sense I am an economic paleolibertarian and an normative paleoconservative in that it is impossible to both be intellectually honest, and sufficiently informed in economics and biology to hold any other proposition than we must pay the underclass to stop reproducing very soon if not immediately, and we must end all underclass immigration and reverse as much of it as possible.
There is no other option other than ‘faith’.