
I am occasionally asked where I should direct christians, and I say either to Vox or to James. I follow James. I pay no attention to Vox. I sometimes pay attention to EMJ.

But Testimonial truth is a judicial discipline and it has no mercy. My work is hard enough for the smartest of us, and requires knowledge of multiple fields – especially law, economics, cognitive science, and the philosophy of mathematics and science. But most of all, it limits us to only what we can testify to when submitted as evidence. And there is every place for natural law and every place for christian love, but no place for faith in courts. Courts resolve differences between people who have many differences. Markets provide opportunities for cooperation despite our differences. And the state must create both court and market so we can cooperate despite our differences – especially differences in gender, class, experience, resources, agency, and age.

I do not do theology, philosophy, or ideology, I do law – for engineering the possibility of cooperation between peoples regardless of their differences. A law with which I hope to restore the Church or Churches to an equal house of government, with exclusive dominion over birth, marriage, family, and death, and with which to crush our enemies whether hostile in faith, hostile in pseudoscience, hostile in sophistry, hostile linying; or hostile in denial of evidence left behind by the demonstrated behavior of man.

My job is not to build a church. That is for the faithful. That is for you. But apparently, it is necessary to produce a clearing upon which others can build one. Because christianity has utterly failed as a political religion, has failed as a social religion, and is at present devolving into a folk religion – a pure ‘faith’ and not a religion. A Religion requires institutions to hold territory and people. And very shortly in civilizational time, christians will have none. And judaism’s undermining by the pseudosciences of marxism and feminism, and sophisms of postmodernism, and lying and denying political correctness and islam’s destruction of civilizations by rates of invasion, rates of reproduction and success in evangelism, have claimed every civlization that has not eradicated them.

As always, deliver faith unto your god as is his due.

But unlike god, Caesar (the court) cannot see, test, or trust your faith.

And I do the work of Caesar.

The work of faith is up to you.
