Jan 21, 2020, 12:10 PM

Richmond reset my brain a bit on strategy so I’m not talking about it yet. But the drive down and back, plus the pure spirituality of ‘all our men’ gave me needed think time.

Mostly on european aesthetics and commons and our ‘group-think’ (formation sensitivity?) And how that’s possibly a cognitive european bias.

Second was how evident it is that I love our people but that they just … they just need answers. I need understanding but they just need answers.

I used some of it to re-listen to Fukuyama on bureaucracy and that gave me a few ideas too – not the least of which is that he doesn’t understand the correlation between anglo adversarial government and sovereignty. He doesn’t grasp that the inefficiency is a trade off for adaptability. But he’s right that the left has destroyed rule of law. He just doesn’t see that it’s fixable. He comes close but doesn’t get there. Sometimes it’s better to re-read these long works a few times because you get fresh ideas out of every read.
