Capitalism creates an economic market producing a war of all against all. Socialism creates a political market producing a war of all against all. Rule of law by Reciprocity, Reciprocal insurance of Sovereignty, and paying the high cost of Heroism and Excellence, Truth and Duty, and Paternalism and Charity, create the optimum polity without the extremes of capitalism or socialism at the cost of total suppression of the irreciprocal and false, under that rule of law by reciprocity and reciprocal insurance.
Reciprocal insurance of Sovereignty
Rule of Law by Reciprocity
Heroism and Excellence (Beauty)
Truth and Duty
Paternalism and Charity
We create commons, accumulate capital, and its multipliers.
The enemy consumes like locusts and creates only temporary economic velocity.
These are very expensive commons because they require we trust one another to invest in a commons that will not be consumed – because every man is a father, sheriff, warrior, and if necessary, judge of the commons and will defend it.
We must separate and return to speciation, or the consumption of accumulated material, institutional, informational, genetic, and planetary capital will be consumed by the enemy.