—“[Ukraine’ Maidan] was a coup by intel but I’ll never tell by whom.”–

Not really. Intel isn’t that smart or influential. It’s just smarter than State and Defense. 😉 Everyone everywhere was surprised and exploited the opportunity. But it was the oligarchs that really brought it into being. The EU or Russia would destroy them. They couldn’t afford another other scenario than the status quo, and the Ukrainan people still suffer for no reason because of it.  It would take the USA or Russia to fix it since the real ‘state’ is the oligarchs, they are heavily armed, and desperate to retain position and control, and Ukraine doesn’t, like Putin, have Chechens to do the ‘hard work’ of eliminating them.

We (everyone I knew) ASKED for help and couldn’t get ANYTHING. Then, once it really kicked off, then fast, total flip, and it rained money from USA heaven. But it wasn’t just the states, it was everyone. I think the poles were the most helpful because they’re trusted.

So I don’t like it when people overstate anything I’ve done. There are serious people doing serious things. I was a contractor and volunteer like many patriots. My personality and skillset was suitable for ‘training’ people how to get certain things done, providing cover for them, and as a ‘volunteer’, in developing relationships, collecting information (none of which was useful really) and ‘distribution’ of certain things (which was). People will talk to me because smart, I’m interesting, listen, patient, and helpful. That’s really all it takes other than totally compartmentalizing that part of your life (and mind) from even your significant other.

The only reason I’m upfront about these kinds of things is that I found that the rumors people spread develop a life of their own, grow continuously, and it’s better to ‘contain’ them with the truth: a lot of international biz/prof patriots ‘assist’ directly, indirectly, knowingly and not. I got ‘outed’, by someone influential, I don’t know how, and it spread fast. So I contained it. And moved on – meaning I stopped.

Besides, what I learned was how easy it would be to reproduce the UA revolt here in the states. That became my focus: how to make sure if it happens ‘the good guys win’: the constitution as it was designed for the great american experiment.