Feb 1, 2020, 5:40 PM

—“Governments don’t have money, citizens do. Will the state fund [whatever] through mandatory force derived taxes or will state funding be purely voluntary on the part of interested citizens (non mandatory tithing).”—

Hmmm… that’s not entirely true. Just as a thought experiment, assume a government over a territory that is fully autarkic and has no need of foreign currency or trade.

This government can issue a currency (each unit a tradable share in the economy), demand it as legal tender for all debts private and public, and it can equidistribute X amount of this currency to every citizen every day, week, month, quarter, year or whatever directly to a bank account.

It can then collect some percentage of that in taxes and repeat the process.

This is what governments already do. They just put the banks in the middle requiring us to borrow it and giving the banks interest, thereby having the banks inflate 9x times the amount.

We are not fully autarkic so the process limits the state’s powers of monetary distribution.

Modern monetary theory won’t work, but this will, it will just require collecting and measuring better information than we do now