
An Open Letter to the JacobinsThere are many smart people within your ranks, passionate about changing the world for the better. I understand that you are lovers of art and literature, with a great interest in psychology, physics, mathematics, philosophy and history. Reason is your guiding principle. It is with the greatest respect that I address you here. What I wish to discuss is the Alt-Right.

Let me first summarize what I think is the essence of the Alt-Right. I believe this accurately reflects the views that many people in this movement have.


The Alt-Right is first and foremost about the concerns White people have in a world that’s becoming increasingly hostile towards them, due to the changing demographics and all the perceived historic wrongs.

The core of the Alt-Right is not primarily concerned with “brown people”, as you put it, but rather with the racial tensions that exist between all of these various ethnic groups.

Very influential within the Alt-Right are the writings of Kevin MacDonald (a retired professor of psychology), particularly his Culture of Critique series. These books compare the evolutionary strategies of a notorious Diaspora, the Jews, with that of the native Europeans.

Without going into too much detail here, suffice it to say that the Jewish Question, rather than “brown people”, is at the heart of the Alt-Right.

The Jewish Question has several aspects. You discuss many of them in your writings. The most obvious is of course the insanity of Abrahamism in general, and the notion of Jews being God’s “Chosen People”. But there is also Jewish Marxism, Soviet-Communism, the Frankfurt School & Cultural Marxism, Freudian psychoanalysis and “Public Relations” (Propaganda), Jewish control of the mass media of news and entertainment (including Hollywood), Holocaust remembrance & reparations, AIPAC/Israel/Zionism, the Anti-Defamation League, “hate speech” legislation, Open Borders activism, George Soros (funding Black Bloc rioters, BLM and “Welcome refugees” activists), the Federal Reserve, Wall Street, the kidnapping and exploitation of Slavic women, snuff movie and child pornography rings, and many other problems which are rightly perceived as a threat to White Europeans everywhere.

Discussing any of the above subjects is generally considered anti-Semitic. Some of the topics cannot even be discussed in public, because that’s now against the law (particularly in places like Germany, the UK and Canada).

It is acknowledged that there are many White traitors, actively collaborating with the Jews for personal enrichment. For example Bill and Hillary Clinton, the Bush family, and yes, even Donald Trump. The Alt-Right supported Trump during the elections, but remain skeptical, for all the obvious reasons you have also listed on your own website. The memes about “God Emperor Trump” should be taken with a grain of salt.

The Alt-Right is extremely suspicious of Jewish individuals, including Jews who don’t have financial or media power. There are people with Jewish ancestry in the Alt-Right though. These people have not only rejected Abrahamism, but also ditched Cultural Marxism and the most widespread and influential Jewish religion of them all, Holocaustianity. These are people who no longer identify strongly with anything Jewish, and so are not part of the “Jewish Problem”. In fact they could play a key role in the “Final Solution”. And with that I don’t mean any genocide but rather a total separation of Jew and gentile, and the end of Talmudic Jewish Supremacy.

People arrive at the Jewish Question from different backgrounds. And so in the Alt-Right you’ll find very different groups. Here are some that you’re guaranteed to encounter:

  1. Former Libertarians and fans of the Jewess Ayn Rand. This is especially common among Americans.

  2. Former Liberals, having become more conservative as they got a little older, with family responsibilities and concerns.

  3. Christians. These may be Protestants from South-Africa or America, they may be Catholics, or they may be Mormons etc. Some of them are heavily into theories about the “true Israelites”, and of course the Khazar theory. Their obsession with abortion is in conflict with the eugenic ideas of the rest of the Alt-Right.

  4. Pagans. Most Europeans identify with being Pagan, though not necessarily in any ritualistic, LARPy fasion.

  5. Traditionalists. People who like the writings of Julius Evola. Other authors that are popular in Alt-Right circles are Oswald Spengler, Francis Parker Yockey, and Friedrich Nietzsche. Of course, Hitler’s Mein Kampf is universally appreciated as well, although many Traditionalists (especially Catholics) prefer a reformed type of Monarchy rather than Hitler’s National-Socialism.

  6. Skinheads/neo-nazis. Working class people rebelling against the darkening of their neighborhoods and work places. Also, “They took ‘r jobs!” May be members of the KKK, with lots of provocative tattoos, and they tend to get into physical (and sometimes deadly) altercations with Antifa.

  7. 4chan, The Right Stuff, The Daily Stormer etc. These people express the various Alt-Right concerns with a heavy dose of satire. Outrageous jokes about taboo subjects like the Holocaust and racial mixing. Memes. Pepe. Shitposting. Trolling.

Influential authors to all of the above (except the Christians, generally) are David Duke, William Luther Pierce, Ben Klassen and George Lincoln Rockwell.

So there are many different currents within the Alt-Right. The academic types are embarrassed about the skinheads, and the Pagans are embarrassed about the Christians. Because of this, many people claim to not belong to the Alt-Right at all, but instead refer to themselves as, say, National-Socialists.

For the sake of ridicule one could lump all these groups together, but they are in fact quite distinct.

Aside from the Alt-Right there is the Alt-Lite. This is basically anyone who is sympathetic towards the protection of Western civilization, but who claims there is no Jewish Problem (or simply doesn’t want to talk about it). Most of the people you lump in with the Alt-Right, like Alex Jones and Milo Yiannopoulos, are part of the Alt-LITE. The Alt-Lite tends to focus on Social Justice Warriors like college feminists and fat acceptance activists, and of course the threat of Islam.

Regarding Islam, the Alt-RIGHT sees this first and foremost as a racial issue, NOT as a religious issue. The Alt-Right does not believe the mass of Arabs is ever going to abandon Islam because of rational arguments. Arabs and West-Asians embrace Islam because it fits their nature (low average IQ etc.). Even if it would be possible for Arabs to abandon Islam, we don’t see it happening and we’re tired of waiting. Therefore the Alt-Right wants to see a complete separation of Whites and Arabs, as well as Whites and Blacks, Whites and Asians etc. Some of these separations are more urgent than others. The most urgent is obviously the removal of all radical Muslims. But most important (and difficult!) will be the separation of Whites and Jews. Once this has been accomplished though, the rest is peanuts.

Jacobins, I do not represent the entire Alt-Right. I’m not a Christian. I’m not a skinhead. I’m not even a former libertarian. But I did observe the Alt-Right from the inside out for a couple of years now.

I wish no harm to any individual person who happens to have Jewish or Negroid ancestry. Ideally there will be meritocratic states for all the different ethnic groups, living side by side as good neighbors rather than all mixed up. If all these different meritocracies apply eugenic principles (selective breeding) TO THEMSELVES, all racial groups can be preserved AND IMPROVED. Racial diversity on the global level is to everyone’s benefit. The more racial groups are preserved (some very light skin, some very dark skin), the greater the chances of at least some humans surviving future catastrophies.

But to preserve this global diversity we will need to separate on the local level. Perhaps not absolute separation, but certainly a lot more separation than we have now.

It seems to me that there are many shared concerns between the Jacobins and Alt-Right, but that you insist on mixing all the races together, even if that means Whites, Ashkenazi Jews and East-Asians become the ruling class, because their higher IQ allows them to become more “meritorious” within the political hierarchy, and Arabs, Blacks and West-Asians continue being the lower and criminal classes. You indirectly favor White Supremacy, while the Alt-Right favors White Separatism. Not half-hearted segregation (Jim Crow, Apartheid), but complete physical separation.

The Alt-Right favors equal opportunities, but WITHIN each racial group. Otherwise you’ll be forced to take unmeritocratic measures like Affirmative Action and racial quotas. To have a functioning egalitarian society, you need a more or less equal population to begin with. The bulk of the population should have an IQ above 105, not below 85.

The Alt-Right does not wish to lord it over Blacks. The Alt-Right does not wish to police and imprison non-Whites. They want non-Whites to govern, educate, police and judge themselves, within their own states, preferably within their native homelands and within a climate suitable to their pigmentation (vitamin D!).

And yes, if certain non-Whites cannot make it on their own (as we see in many overpopulated African countries, now heavily dependent on continued Western aid), then let them wither on the vine. Same for the Jews in Israel.

The Alt-Right is not about “White pride” (feeling proud about things one did not do oneself), but rather about celebrating the rich cultural history of Europe and the beauty of Nordic people, particularly its fair maidens, and wishing to preserve them. This is natural, not evil.

It’s a fact that Whites and East-Asians have, on average (!), a much higher IQ (100 and above) than Arabs (85), African-Americans (80) and sub-Saharan Africans (70 and below). Of course, IQ isn’t everything, but it IS something to be taken into consideration if one wishes to create a HyperHumanity, a Community of Gods capable of reaching the stars.

I understand you want to remain inclusive. After all, we’re all mathematics on the inside! Illuminism CAN be grasped by exceptional individuals of all racial backgrounds. Your secret society is not a country or a continent, and so within your limited and pre-selected circle, multiracialism will likely not be a problem.

It’s unlikely however that you’ll be able to establish a multiracial meritocracy of any significant size.

I have nothing against it though, provided you do not demand that the entire planet is subjected to racial mixing. If you want to establish a multiracial meritocracy in South-America, which is already very mixed, then go right ahead. But don’t force this ideology on the European homeland of the Nordic and Alpine phenotypes. Trying to breed these phenotypes out of existence by encouraging racial mixing and population replacement (White flight) is genocide according to the Geneva Convention, Article 2C: “Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part.” Not to mention Article 2B: “Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group.”

Regardless, the Alt-Right i.e. Whites awakening to racial consciousness, is only going to increase in numbers. No amount of ridicule or violence is going to curb this natural urge to be free, safe and prosperous. Whites have had enough of the “multicultural” experiment, with its interracial rape and murder disproportionately targeting Whites. They want at least one sufficiently large state where they can fully govern themselves again, free from Jewish manipulation, Black-on-White violence, and Islamic terrorism. I cannot imagine you are truly opposed to such a very reasonable demand.

Jews (religious or secular) are VERY aware that they are Jewish. Blacks are VERY aware that they are Black. Arabs are VERY aware that they are Arab (and Muslim). Today’s educated Whites are LEAST concerned with their ethnicity, and those who DO become concerned are immediately branded as racists and nazis. Sadly you (or at least some members in your facebook group) are going along with this cheap rhetoric.

I hope this letter will help sharpen your message, for the benefit of all.

Ad astra!


(first published February 9, 2017)

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Curt Doolittle

Meritocracy II updated their cover photo.

8 mins ·

“All this is proof of the true pathology of our civilization. The economic factor exercises a hypnosis and a tyranny over modern man. And, as often occurs in hypnosis, what the mind focuses on eventually becomes real. Modern man is making possible what every normal and complete civilization has always regarded as an aberration or as a bad joke—namely, that the economy and the social problem in terms of the economy are his destiny.

Thus, in order to posit a new principle, what…

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Curt Doolittle


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Meritocracy II updated their cover photo.

8 mins ·

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Curt Doolittle


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Meritocracy II updated their profile picture.

9 mins ·

‘”All this is proof of the true pathology of our civilization. The economic factor exercises a hypnosis and a tyranny over modern man. And, as often occurs in hypnosis, what the mind focuses on eventually becomes real. Modern man is making possible what every normal and complete civilization has always regarded as an aberration or as a bad joke—namely, that the economy and the social problem in terms of the economy are his destiny.

Thus, in order to posit a new principle, what is needed is not to oppose one economic formula with another, but instead to radically change attitudes, to reject without compromise the materialistic premises from which the economic factor has been perceived as absolute.

What must be questioned is not the value of this or that economic system, but the value of the economy itself. Thus, despite the fact that the antithesis between capitalism and Marxism dominates the background of recent times, it must be regarded as a pseudo-antithesis. In free-market economies, as well as in Marxist societies, the myth of production and its corollaries (e.g., standardization, monopolies, cartels, technocracy) are subject to the “hegemony” of the economy, becoming the primary factor on which the material conditions of existence are based. Both systems regard as “backward” or as “underdeveloped” those civilizations that do not amount to “civilizations based on labor and production”—namely, those civilizations that, luckily for themselves, have not yet been caught up in the feverish industrial exploitation of every natural resource, the social and productive enslavement of all human possibilities, and the exaltation of technical and industrial standards; in other words, those civilizations that still enjoy a certain space and a relative freedom. Thus, the true antithesis is not between capitalism and Marxism, but between a system in which the economy rules supreme (no matter in what form) and a system in which the economy is subordinated to extra-economic factors, within a wider and more complete order, such as to bestow a deep meaning upon human life and foster the development of its highest possibilities. This is the premise for a true restorative reaction, beyond “Left” and “Right,” beyond capitalism’s abuses and Marxist subversion. The necessary conditions are an inner detoxification, a becoming “normal” again (“normal” in the higher meaning of the term), and a renewed capability to differentiate between base and noble interests. No intervention from the outside can help; any external action at best might accompany this process.

In order to resolve the problem, it is necessary, first of all, to reject the “neutral” interpretation of the economic phenomenon proper to a deviated sociology. The very economic life has a body and soul of its own, and inner moral factors have always determined its meaning and spirit. Such spirit, as Sombart has clearly shown, should be distinguished from the various forms of production, distribution, and organization of economic goods; it may vary depending on individual instances and it bestows a very different scope and meaning on the economic factor. The pure homo oeconomicus is a fiction or the by-product of an evidently degenerated specialization. Thus, in every normal civilization a purely economic man—that is, the one who sees the economy not as an order of means but rather as an order of ends to which he dedicates his main activities—was always rightly regarded as a man of lower social extraction: lower in a spiritual sense, and furthermore in a social or political one. In essence, it is necessary to return to normalcy, to restore the natural dependency of the economic factor on inner, moral factors and to act upon them.

Once this is acknowledged, it will be easy to recognize the inner causes in the actual world (which have the economy as their common denominator) that preclude any solution that does not translate into a steeper fall to a lower level. I have previously suggested that the uprising of the masses has mainly been caused by the fact that every social difference has been reduced to those that exist between mere economic classes and by the fact that under the aegis of antitraditional liberalism, property and wealth, once free from any bond or higher value, have become the only criteria of social differences. However, beyond the strict limitations that were established within the overall hierarchical system prior to the ascent of the economy, the superiority and the right of a class as a merely economic class may rightly be contested in the name of elementary human values. And it was precisely here that the subversive ideology introduced itself, by making an anomalous and degenerative situation into an absolute one and acting as if nothing else had previously existed or could exist outside economic classes, or besides external and unfair social conditions that are determined by wealth alone. However, all this is false, since such conditions could develop only within a truncated society: only in such a society may the concepts of “capitalist” and “proletarian” be defined. These terms lack any foundation in a normal civilization, because in such a civilization the counterpart constituted by extra-economic values portrays the corresponding human types as something radically different from what today is categorized as “capitalist” or “proletarian.” Even in the domain of the economy, a normal civilization provides specific justification for certain differences in condition, dignity, and function.

Moreover, in the contemporary chaos it is also necessary to acknowledge what is caused by an ideological infection. It is not entirely correct to say that Marxism arose and took hold because there was a real social question that needed to be addressed (at best this may have been the case during the early stages of the industrial revolution); the opposite is true—to wit, that for the most part the social question gains precedence in today’s world only as a result of the presence of Marxism. The social question artificially arises through the concerted effort of agitators, those who are engaged in “rekindling class consciousness.” Lenin did not assign to the Communist Party only the task of supporting “workers’ movements” where they arose spontaneously, but rather the task of creating and organizing them everywhere and by every means. Marxism gives rise to the proletarian and class mentality where it previously did not exist, stirring excitement and creating resentment and dissatisfaction in those societies where the individuals still lived in the station allotted to them by life. In those societies an individual contained his need and aspirations within natural limits; he did not yearn to become different from what he was, and thus he was innocent of that Entfremdung (“alienation”) decried by Marxism. Incidentally, we should recall that Marxism proposes to overcome this alienation through something worse—namely, the “integration (or, we should say, disintegration) of the person into a collective entity (i.e., the ‘people,’ or ‘the party’).”

I am not espousing an “obscurantism” for the benefit of the “ruling classes”; as I have stated previously, I dispute the superiority and the rights of a merely economic class living in a materialistic fashion. Nevertheless, we need to side against the idea or myth of so-called social progress, which is another of the many pathological fixations of the economic era in general, and not the legacy of leftist movements alone. To this effect, the eschatological views of Marxism do not differ very much from the “Western” views of prosperity: both Weltanschauungen [worldviews] essentially coincide, as do their practical applications. In both Marxism and free-market economies we find the same materialistic, antipolitical, and social view detaching the social order and people from any higher order and higher goal, positing what is “useful” as the only purpose (understood in a physical, vegetative, and earthly sense); by turning the “useful” into a criterion of progress, the values proper to every traditional structure are inverted. In fact, we should not forget that the law, meaning, and sufficient reason for these structures have always consisted in references for man to something beyond himself and beyond the economy, wealth, or material poverty, all these things having only a secondary importance. Thus, it can legitimately be claimed that the so-called improvement of social conditions should be regarded not as good but as evil, when its price consists of the enslavement of the single individual to the productive mechanism and to the social conglomerate; or in the degradation of the State to the “State based on work,” and the degradation of society to “consumer society”; or in the elimination of every qualitative hierarchy; or in the atrophy of every spiritual sensibility and every “heroic” attitude. Hegel wrote, “Happiness is not to be found in the history of the world [in the sense of material comfort and social prosperity]; even the few happy periods found here and there are like white pages.” But even at an individual level, the qualities that matter the most in a man and make him who he is often arise in harsh circumstances and even in conditions of indigence and injustice, since they represent a challenge to him, testing his spirit; what a sad contrast it is when the human animal is granted a maximum of comfort, an equal share in a mindless and “bovine” happiness, an easy and comfortable life filled with gadgets, radio and TV programs, planes, Hollywood, sports arenas, and popular culture at the level of Reader’s Digest.

Again, spiritual values and the higher degrees of human perfection have nothing to do with either the presence or the absence of socioeconomic prosperity. The notion that indigence is always a source of abjection and vice—and that “advanced” social conditions represent its opposite—is the fairy tale told by materialistic ideologies, which contradict themselves when they uphold the other myth, according to which the “good guys” are on the side of the people and the oppressed workers and all the “bad guys” are to be found on the side of the wealthy classes, which are corrupt and exploitative. Both of these are fairy tales. In reality, true values bear no necessary relation to better or worse socioeconomic conditions; only when these values are put at the forefront is it possible to approximate an order of effective justice, even on the material plane. Among these values are: being oneself; the style of an active impersonality; love of discipline; and a generally heroic attitude toward life. Against all forms of resentment and social competition, every person should acknowledge and love his station in life, which best corresponds to his own nature, thus acknowledging the limits within which he can develop his potential; and should give an organic sense to his life and achieve its perfection, since an artisan who perfectly fulfills his function is certainly superior to a king who does not live up to his dignity. Only when such considerations have weight will this or that reform carried out on the socioeconomic plane be conceived and implemented without any negative consequence, according to true justice, without mistaking the essential for the accessory. Unless an ideological detoxification and a rectification of attitudes are carried out, every reform will be only superficial and fail to tackle the deeper roots of the crisis of contemporary society, to the advantage of subversive forces.”

~ Julius Evola’

Curt Doolittle


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Andrea Royall

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WED 6:05PM

There can be no light without the darkness

Wish I was that optimistic. I just work on “how do I get myself mentally and physically healthy, fit and competitive, and consistently look back and say “where am I now” and “what can I learn” and “what shouldn’t I do again”.

Not that it stops me from overworking – ever. lol

So, how is everything else in your life?

Everything else is on cruise control… the grandson is doing well.. the child I take care of is doing well also…

and why not optimistic?

Oh, no. Optimism is wonderful. ?

We’re living in great times… where real opinions hold sway…


(lemme see… what else can I ask you about)

Ask me anything.. except my recipes… ?


A Southern woman worth her salt never divulges those

I understand. That is a VERY serious subject.

(I love to cook)

It is.. and as I rarely measure anything.. it would be pointless anyway ?


Now what are you doing this evening for the eclipse? You non pagan pagan ?

There are so many catholics around here if I try to celebrate they’ll burn me at the stake.

I”m a big one for the summer and winter solstices, halloween and may day. ? Just don’t have enough of the same folk around here to pull it off….. lol

(Besides, you can get arrested for sacrificing the underclasses to the gods these days) lol

All you need is a jar of water… set it out with intention ?

ok. I can manage. ?

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Chafik Touil reacted to a link you shared: “—“Civil War 2.0: The Map”– Chris Mc”.

a few seconds ago


Meritocracy II

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An Open Letter to the Jacobins

There are many smart people within your ranks, passionate about changing the world for the better. I understand that you are lovers of art and literature, with a great interest in psychology, physics, mathematics, philosophy and history. Reason is your guiding principle. It is with the greatest respect that I address you here.

What I wish to discuss is the Alt-Right.

Let me first summarize what I think is the essence of the Alt-Right. I believe this accurately reflects the views that many people in this movement have.

The Alt-Right is first and foremost about the concerns White people have in a world that’s becoming increasingly hostile towards them, due to the changing demographics and all the perceived historic wrongs.

The core of the Alt-Right is not primarily concerned with “brown people”, as you put it, but rather with the racial tensions that exist between all of these various ethnic groups.

Very influential within the Alt-Right are the writings of Kevin MacDonald (a retired professor of psychology), particularly his Culture of Critique series. These books compare the evolutionary strategies of a notorious Diaspora, the Jews, with that of the native Europeans.

Without going into too much detail here, suffice it to say that the Jewish Question, rather than “brown people”, is at the heart of the Alt-Right.

The Jewish Question has several aspects. You discuss many of them in your writings. The most obvious is of course the insanity of Abrahamism in general, and the notion of Jews being God’s “Chosen People”. But there is also Jewish Marxism, Soviet-Communism, the Frankfurt School & Cultural Marxism, Freudian psychoanalysis and “Public Relations” (Propaganda), Jewish control of the mass media of news and entertainment (including Hollywood), Holocaust remembrance & reparations, AIPAC/Israel/Zionism, the Anti-Defamation League, “hate speech” legislation, Open Borders activism, George Soros (funding Black Bloc rioters, BLM and “Welcome refugees” activists), the Federal Reserve, Wall Street, the kidnapping and exploitation of Slavic women, snuff movie and child pornography rings, and many other problems which are rightly perceived as a threat to White Europeans everywhere.

Discussing any of the above subjects is generally considered anti-Semitic. Some of the topics cannot even be discussed in public, because that’s now against the law (particularly in places like Germany, the UK and Canada).

It is acknowledged that there are many White traitors, actively collaborating with the Jews for personal enrichment. For example Bill and Hillary Clinton, the Bush family, and yes, even Donald Trump. The Alt-Right supported Trump during the elections, but remain skeptical, for all the obvious reasons you have also listed on your own website. The memes about “God Emperor Trump” should be taken with a grain of salt.

The Alt-Right is extremely suspicious of Jewish individuals, including Jews who don’t have financial or media power. There are people with Jewish ancestry in the Alt-Right though. These people have not only rejected Abrahamism, but also ditched Cultural Marxism and the most widespread and influential Jewish religion of them all, Holocaustianity. These are people who no longer identify strongly with anything Jewish, and so are not part of the “Jewish Problem”. In fact they could play a key role in the “Final Solution”. And with that I don’t mean any genocide but rather a total separation of Jew and gentile, and the end of Talmudic Jewish Supremacy.

People arrive at the Jewish Question from different backgrounds. And so in the Alt-Right you’ll find very different groups. Here are some that you’re guaranteed to encounter:

  1. Former Libertarians and fans of the Jewess Ayn Rand. This is especially common among Americans.

  2. Former Liberals, having become more conservative as they got a little older, with family responsibilities and concerns.

  3. Christians. These may be Protestants from South-Africa or America, they may be Catholics, or they may be Mormons etc. Some of them are heavily into theories about the “true Israelites”, and of course the Khazar theory. Their obsession with abortion is in conflict with the eugenic ideas of the rest of the Alt-Right.

  4. Pagans. Most Europeans identify with being Pagan, though not necessarily in any ritualistic, LARPy fasion.

  5. Traditionalists. People who like the writings of Julius Evola. Other authors that are popular in Alt-Right circles are Oswald Spengler, Francis Parker Yockey, and Friedrich Nietzsche. Of course, Hitler’s Mein Kampf is universally appreciated as well, although many Traditionalists (especially Catholics) prefer a reformed type of Monarchy rather than Hitler’s National-Socialism.

  6. Skinheads/neo-nazis. Working class people rebelling against the darkening of their neighborhoods and work places. Also, “They took ‘r jobs!” May be members of the KKK, with lots of provocative tattoos, and they tend to get into physical (and sometimes deadly) altercations with Antifa.

  7. 4chan, The Right Stuff, The Daily Stormer etc. These people express the various Alt-Right concerns with a heavy dose of satire. Outrageous jokes about taboo subjects like the Holocaust and racial mixing. Memes. Pepe. Shitposting. Trolling.

Influential authors to all of the above (except the Christians, generally) are David Duke, William Luther Pierce, Ben Klassen and George Lincoln Rockwell.

So there are many different currents within the Alt-Right. The academic types are embarrassed about the skinheads, and the Pagans are embarrassed about the Christians. Because of this, many people claim to not belong to the Alt-Right at all, but instead refer to themselves as, say, National-Socialists.

For the sake of ridicule one could lump all these groups together, but they are in fact quite distinct.

Aside from the Alt-Right there is the Alt-Lite. This is basically anyone who is sympathetic towards the protection of Western civilization, but who claims there is no Jewish Problem (or simply doesn’t want to talk about it). Most of the people you lump in with the Alt-Right, like Alex Jones and Milo Yiannopoulos, are part of the Alt-LITE. The Alt-Lite tends to focus on Social Justice Warriors like college feminists and fat acceptance activists, and of course the threat of Islam.

Regarding Islam, the Alt-RIGHT sees this first and foremost as a racial issue, NOT as a religious issue. The Alt-Right does not believe the mass of Arabs is ever going to abandon Islam because of rational arguments. Arabs and West-Asians embrace Islam because it fits their nature (low average IQ etc.). Even if it would be possible for Arabs to abandon Islam, we don’t see it happening and we’re tired of waiting. Therefore the Alt-Right wants to see a complete separation of Whites and Arabs, as well as Whites and Blacks, Whites and Asians etc. Some of these separations are more urgent than others. The most urgent is obviously the removal of all radical Muslims. But most important (and difficult!) will be the separation of Whites and Jews. Once this has been accomplished though, the rest is peanuts.

Jacobins, I do not represent the entire Alt-Right. I’m not a Christian. I’m not a skinhead. I’m not even a former libertarian. But I did observe the Alt-Right from the inside out for a couple of years now.

I wish no harm to any individual person who happens to have Jewish or Negroid ancestry. Ideally there will be meritocratic states for all the different ethnic groups, living side by side as good neighbors rather than all mixed up. If all these different meritocracies apply eugenic principles (selective breeding) TO THEMSELVES, all racial groups can be preserved AND IMPROVED. Racial diversity on the global level is to everyone’s benefit. The more racial groups are preserved (some very light skin, some very dark skin), the greater the chances of at least some humans surviving future catastrophies.

But to preserve this global diversity we will need to separate on the local level. Perhaps not absolute separation, but certainly a lot more separation than we have now.

It seems to me that there are many shared concerns between the Jacobins and Alt-Right, but that you insist on mixing all the races together, even if that means Whites, Ashkenazi Jews and East-Asians become the ruling class, because their higher IQ allows them to become more “meritorious” within the political hierarchy, and Arabs, Blacks and West-Asians continue being the lower and criminal classes. You indirectly favor White Supremacy, while the Alt-Right favors White Separatism. Not half-hearted segregation (Jim Crow, Apartheid), but complete physical separation.

The Alt-Right favors equal opportunities, but WITHIN each racial group. Otherwise you’ll be forced to take unmeritocratic measures like Affirmative Action and racial quotas. To have a functioning egalitarian society, you need a more or less equal population to begin with. The bulk of the population should have an IQ above 105, not below 85.

The Alt-Right does not wish to lord it over Blacks. The Alt-Right does not wish to police and imprison non-Whites. They want non-Whites to govern, educate, police and judge themselves, within their own states, preferably within their native homelands and within a climate suitable to their pigmentation (vitamin D!).

And yes, if certain non-Whites cannot make it on their own (as we see in many overpopulated African countries, now heavily dependent on continued Western aid), then let them wither on the vine. Same for the Jews in Israel.

The Alt-Right is not about “White pride” (feeling proud about things one did not do oneself), but rather about celebrating the rich cultural history of Europe and the beauty of Nordic people, particularly its fair maidens, and wishing to preserve them. This is natural, not evil.

It’s a fact that Whites and East-Asians have, on average (!), a much higher IQ (100 and above) than Arabs (85), African-Americans (80) and sub-Saharan Africans (70 and below). Of course, IQ isn’t everything, but it IS something to be taken into consideration if one wishes to create a HyperHumanity, a Community of Gods capable of reaching the stars.

I understand you want to remain inclusive. After all, we’re all mathematics on the inside! Illuminism CAN be grasped by exceptional individuals of all racial backgrounds. Your secret society is not a country or a continent, and so within your limited and pre-selected circle, multiracialism will likely not be a problem.

It’s unlikely however that you’ll be able to establish a multiracial meritocracy of any significant size.

I have nothing against it though, provided you do not demand that the entire planet is subjected to racial mixing. If you want to establish a multiracial meritocracy in South-America, which is already very mixed, then go right ahead. But don’t force this ideology on the European homeland of the Nordic and Alpine phenotypes. Trying to breed these phenotypes out of existence by encouraging racial mixing and population replacement (White flight) is genocide according to the Geneva Convention, Article 2C: “Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part.” Not to mention Article 2B: “Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group.”

Regardless, the Alt-Right i.e. Whites awakening to racial consciousness, is only going to increase in numbers. No amount of ridicule or violence is going to curb this natural urge to be free, safe and prosperous. Whites have had enough of the “multicultural” experiment, with its interracial rape and murder disproportionately targeting Whites. They want at least one sufficiently large state where they can fully govern themselves again, free from Jewish manipulation, Black-on-White violence, and Islamic terrorism. I cannot imagine you are truly opposed to such a very reasonable demand.

Jews (religious or secular) are VERY aware that they are Jewish. Blacks are VERY aware that they are Black. Arabs are VERY aware that they are Arab (and Muslim). Today’s educated Whites are LEAST concerned with their ethnicity, and those who DO become concerned are immediately branded as racists and nazis. Sadly you (or at least some members in your facebook group) are going along with this cheap rhetoric.

I hope this letter will help sharpen your message, for the benefit of all.

Ad astra!


(first published February 9, 2017)

Curt Doolittle


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Curt Doolittle

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