Dec 23, 2019, 8:19 PM
(I’m about finished with the propertarian project although there are always nuances to work with, but this is worth repeating.)
I teach by creating games that men will compete in. This is how men are best taught. Instead of asking questions I start arguments. Instead of preaching an angle, I attack a proposition and force others to defend it. Instead of assuming equality I play king of the hill and bait them into attacking me. Instead of writing essays of appeal I write arguments to criticize.
Teaching men is really easy: Bait them into dominance play.
Just as exhaustive forgiveness in tit-for-tat is the optimum cooperative strategy, exhaustive baiting for dominance play is the optimum MALE cooperative strategy.
Set up King of the Hill games where ANY forward progress gets the men recognition. Do not criticize failure, only cowardice, attention seeking, or time wasting.
If you are too predictable you will ruin the game. You must present a variety of challenges.
We cannot feel ‘good’ about learning by conformity the way girls and women do. We must play at fighting or it’s not worth our time.
I have developed the “King of the Hill” strategy of discourse (teaching) because it is actually THE BEST method of teaching (masculine) men. Iâ??ve been doing this since we used 300 baud dial up modems and 80 character monochrome screens. And I learned it early.
Men can attack me and my ideas, without acting vulnerable, or submissive, or begging for attention, but by exercising their dominance. And they can fail and no one cares. This is actually the optimum method of reaching men: we create a dominance game of low risk. We learn from playing this dominance game. The secret is to reward dominance expression if itâ??s backed by insight, argument, or wit. And to stop on effeminate, abrahamic, and non-argument.
I make serious arguments to teach. I make half arguments to encourage debate. And I push controversial ideas to encourage them to refute them.
My role in this game is to play king of the hill, and say “come get me”. I provide symbolic rewards (sharing quotes), and meaningful rewards (investing time in those with potential), and lifetime rewards (skill development).
That is why this game works.
Not everyone can play this game. But if they can play this game, and get good at it they will master a very special skill. And it’s that collection of talent I’m interested in creating.
The internet does change. Men donâ??t change. The number of stupid men with access to digital discourse simply increases.
The internet of such men requires street fighting, and I try to create a locker room for street fighters. In that locker room we play king of the hill. WE PUT DOMINANCE PLAY TO CONSTRUCTIVE USE. If you want beta-and-chick-friendly theatre watch TED videos. It’s a cult of pseudoscience.
I teach argument.. I teach men. (And the occasional woman with character, intellectual honesty, and brains.)
You might not realize I know this is a game, and that we are playing a game until you meet me in person or talk to me in an interview â?? because Iâ??m not very much like my online persona.
This is educational entertainment and theatre.
I’m pro natural law; pro my people; pro humanity; and pro transcendence; Yes, I will dig on genetic differences, biological differences, genetic differences, cultural differences, class, gender, and racial differences. Yes I will make objective analysis of the those differences. I will work to destroy the cherished lies of every race, civilization, culture, nation, tribe, and class. And I will crush those lies with some sense of both desperation, conviction and joy.
But I don’t do racism. I hate on parasitism predation, and fictionalism to justify it. But I don’t hate on people. I fault my people for not using their superiority to defend against the group evolutionary strategies of other groups. I fault my people for failing to rule and rule well. I fault my people for intellectual folly and dishonesty.
I advocate nationalism, tribalism, sovereignty and natural law of reciprocity and markets in everything for all human beings. And as many nations as it takes to transcend all humans through the gradual improvement of all and the gradual reduction of the underclasses that prohibit our transcendence.
I don’t like hating on people. It’s not Christian and therefore not European. And not even Aryan. The beauty of christianity is that it seeks to extirpate all hatred from the human heart. And once extirpated we are free to use reason, with clear minds and clear judgement.
I have no problem with war, murder, violence and destruction. i have no problem with rule, punishment, and if necessary incarceration or enslavement.
I have a problem with hatred. A problem with deception. And a problem with any order other than the laws of nature, the natural law of reciprocity, and the transcendence of man.