(FB 1542233276 Timestamp)
—“@Curt Doolittle Much respect to on making the connection between Peterson and stoicism, you’re the first person I’ve seen to share that sentiment. Did you read that somewhere, or come up with it alone?”—
Cheers. No, not from elsewhere, it’s part of my work – and was fairly obvious at some point. I thought I would have to do it myself, (and I would not be good at it) because between Pigliucci (restoration / personal ) and Robertson (cognitive behavioral therapy), and Jung/Peterson (suggestion by archetype), no one has the full picture (nor how it relates to religion), but between them they seem to be converging on Stoicism the same way the greeks and ancient romans converged on it – due to market demand.
I sort of view it as up to people like you and I to make sure that convergence occurs. (We are working on it at the Institute just in case it doesn’t).
The problem is, that the underclass narrative (abrahamic religions(judaism> christianity> Islam) in the ancient world and the pseudoscientific revision of ( Marxism> postmodernism> feminism in the modern world) in the modern world, were both more successful because they allowed undermining from the bottom in both eras rather than institutionalization of stoicism as defense against the dark ages that the ancient and modern world were and are threatened with. So you know, market demand on one side and insurance against another dark age on the other.
( fyi: Noah J Revoy )