Religion, Demand for Military Service (militia), and the demand to speak the Truth, quite predictably, are the three subjects that people resist the most – and flee from my work the most. The first (religion) requires you to retrain your emotions, which is costly, and the second (warfare) requires you end larping and put skin in the game, which is even more costly, the third (truth) forces you to confront your self worth, and your means of negotiating for your wants and needs – a lower cost, but one we resist bearing.

Most men transcend the adolescent the moment they must manage either family of any size, or others in any size in either commerce or war. (Not in bureaucracy, but only in commerce, and war. Bureaucracy only maintains the illusion of merit, which is why women dominate political bureaucracy and men dominate commercial management ).

Whereas in the past, most of us participated in the market as labor or farmers, a declining number of people both in government, academy, school systems, the medical business, charities, and large enterprises, are no longer participating in the market, and no longer forced out of adolescence into adulthood (manhood).


You will either pay the cognitive, emotional, and physical costs of saving your people – or you will not, and they will perish.

So leave adolescence behind. Become a man, Pay the costs of the intellectual (natural law), emotional (ethnocentrism), and physical (warfare) or look in the mirror and have the intellectual emotional honesty to say “I am not yet a man, and I never will be, and my people past present and future will pay the price for my cowardice.”