Jan 22, 2020, 11:51 AM

  1. Lack of Vital Components: This is the correct criticism. My plan has been consistent: A moral license, a set of demands, a plan of transition and a means of insurrection. So far you can only see through the set of demands (constitution). It does not pay to release more information. The window has to move further.

  2. Lack of Reach: We have a plan. It is not useful to release it. The window has to move further.

The window keeps moving. Unfortunately it’s started moving faster than I can…

  1. I’ll give you a warning: your conservatism (“show me, i need to understand”) is effective in resisting change only if you are in control. And it’s been a failure in resisting when you are not in control. And we lost control when women and underclasses entered the franchise. And you (we) let them into the franchise out of christian optimism during a period of windfall profits at civilizational scale – one that will never repeat again given the seizure of low hanging scientific fruits. So, I”m going to be blunt and say ‘if you need to understand to act, then you are the reason you fail.” The left just seizes a series of opportunities for incremental advancement. Your need for ‘understanding’ and ‘certainty’ is why you (conservatives) have failed. And the hand-wringing (cowards) on the right are the majority. I have studied many things not the least of which is the history of revolutions and evolutions in governance both inside the anglo european and outside it. The last time we had a political solution available to us was 1992. We have not had that solution available to us yet. it is only under extreme duress, and the inability to deny being ‘conservative and politically lazy’ that the overton window moves to the blatantly obvious. So the problem is the man in your mirror that even asks these questions rather than running to every rally, every demonstration,m every opportunity, and yes, every fight, to defend what you depend upon but really want others to solve for you so you can continue being lazy ‘conservatives’. There is no condition under which we can gain control after this next election and that is simply it. The only solution is to eliminate the optimism of the ‘white middle’ civic nationalists by evidence that they cannot contradict: the exposure of differences in groups under duress.

  2. My strategy has been to create a discussion on a proposition that serves the interest of our people regardless of disposition at the expense of the elites. It is not a ‘conservative’ strategy so much as it is a strategy neither side can envision because of their ignorance of the law, economics, and the sciences that describe the world beyond what is emotionally available to our intuitions. So, my strategy is to make a solution available and the promise of civil war so certain that it is unnecessary. But that if necessary there is the least possible resistance. This is not something new, it is the same strategy I have expressed for over a decade. And as far as I know there is no solution for engineering the operation of a government under which we can separate (and continue to speciate) yet hold this continental territory and its unique advantage in food production from competitors.