Just to clarify, it’s our LAW, not our GOVERNMENT that creates anglodom’s excellence:  the exclusivity of Tort, meaning ‘Trespass’ – the natural law of reciprocity – that libertarians pretend under Non-Aggression is some innovation on their part,rather than a sophism to entice useful idiots into a moral and arbitrary definition of trespass rather than an empirical one evolved from thousands of years of evidence – a law that has been the basis of western civilization since the western indo-european expansion.

This is an unconstrained vision of the law, in which we do not limit people’s experimentation (we do not exercise prior restraint) we only punish trespass, tort, imposition of costs upon the demonstrated interests of others.  And we punish in court, which is terribly expensive, and can be horridly expensive if the jury finds you greedy, dishonest, or immoral.

What makes america great is our LAW. What makes it NOT GREAT is our government.