I Am and P Is Not Anti-Christian – but Anti-Abrahamic.

I am not antichristian, I’m a Jeffersonian Christian. Meaning Jesus was a philosopher speaking in the language of parables that his people could understand. So Jesus spoke in their wisdom literature: Abrahamism (false promise to obtain obedience). It may have been all he knew. But his lesson can be disentangled from the Abrahamic Deceit he preached with, just like it can be translated from Aramaic into Greek, Roman, Latins, Germanic, and English....

July 25, 2020 · Curt Doolittle

It’s Necessary

July 25, 2020 · Curt Doolittle

Jesus Solved Two Huge Problems in Aristocratic Civilization

I’m just doing the facts. Jesus did what the did. It solved two huge problems in aristocratic civilization: virtue for the underclasses, and development of high trust outside of the military. Had he been added to the pantheon rather than paul turning it into another revolutionary movement, it would have been fine.

July 25, 2020 · Curt Doolittle

Men and Women – Attracted to What They Understand, Not What Is Good for Them

You know how women easily go for men they shouldn’t? Unless they have strong fathers and brothers? Women are attracted to the dominance expression that they understand. the problem is training them to be attracted to the dominance expression that isn’t bad for them. The same applies to men, in relation to their domiance hierarchy: politics, ideology, philosophy, faith. Men are attracted to the dominance expression that they understand. The problem is training them to be attracted to the dominance expression that isn’t bad for them....

July 25, 2020 · Curt Doolittle

Men needed to enforce Rule of Law.

—“Rule of Law is only sustainable when a sufficient body of high Agency men federate together to protect their commons from being undermined. … Therefore we must ensure that our commons is producing a sufficient number of capable and incentivized men as needed to enforce Rule of Law. “—Noah J Revoy

July 25, 2020 · Curt Doolittle

More Denialism: Smachtenberger, Weinstein

MORE DENIALISM – THE JEWISH DESIRE FOR A THIRD WAVE OF FALSE PROMISES It’s easy to undermine Daniel’s argument: Our techne (tools) can be turned on ourselves. We can control our population through eugenics (Prohibiting reproduction of the bottom), so that we maintain equilibrium with resources while continually evolving until we need little work to keep the population evolving. It’s interesting that he’s still trying to satisfy the female instinct for survival of all, which would lead to devolutionary dysgenics as it has outside of Europe and China....

July 25, 2020 · Curt Doolittle

My job is to reform thought

(worth repeating) My job is to reform thought by increasing precision using disambiguation, serialization, operational language. Not to excuse the existing imprecision of thought. That frequently requires re-definition of terms whenever possible, and neologisms as a last resort.

July 25, 2020 · Curt Doolittle

No the Constitution and Anglo Law Are Not Philosophical – They’re Empirical

—“What is the significance of a philosophical approach to the constitution?”— 1 – Contrary to popular belief, the constitution is not a philosophical document. 2 – Contrary to popular belief, the common law is not a philosophical discipline. 3 – The natural law of tort (demonstrated interests) is purely empirical (scientific). It’s not philosophical. Philosophers only sought to explain it. We discovered it by adjudicating differences in order to end conflicts and to ‘keep the peace’ meaning ‘cooperation between members of the community’ – in particular to prevent retaliation cycles (feuds)....

July 25, 2020 · Curt Doolittle

Obtaining Natural Mindfulness

It’s true. Men need to serve in an army of some sort, to be men. The bigger the team, the more ‘mature’ the man. Women need to have children to be women. The bigger her brood, the more ‘mature’ the woman. Why? Whether man or woman you have to spend your time training yourself to think about the tribe – not yourself. And then you learn happiness. We live in an era of selfishness....

July 25, 2020 · Curt Doolittle


The Adults in the Room, The People with a Plan. The Honest and Rational voice of Truth in a world of False Promise, and Deceit. For all conservatives, across the spectrum. For normies, for the center, and left of center, and even for the misguided children on the extreme left and right. Because the only enemy of all people is a domestic empire with too many people, too little integration, too many competing preferences, and too great a power distance between people and the government to bring their wants into being....

July 25, 2020 · Curt Doolittle