Script Somtime last year Taleb started his attack on the importance of intelligence. Taleb is one more in a long line of pseudoscientists trying to drag advanced western civilization into semitic primitive sensibilities. But lets get into a little depth and explain why, by puting Taleb into context with his peers.
Listen to this long line of almost exclusively Semitic underminers of every single asapect of western civilization: Cantor and Bohr’s re-platonization of mathematics after descarte’s rescue; Freud, Boas, Gould, Pinker and now Harari’s feminine revisionist history of man; Marx, Lenin, Trotsky’s Marxism, Communism and Bolshevism to revolt against Darwin’s explanation of wesern civilzation; Garmsci, Adorno, Marcuse, Fromm, Horkhimer, Baudrillard, Lyotard’s neo marxist attack on western civlization and it’s values; Georg Lukács, Derrida, Foucault, and the postmodern revolt against western civlilizations discovery of truth, by correspondence with physical, natural, an evolutionary laws; Rothbard-Rand libertarianism as a revolt against rule of law, and demand for production of commons, Strauss, Perle, kristol’s neoconservatism as a revolt against secular academic lefts pacifism; Sam Harris’ and less so Jordan Peterson’s selective sophistry, Moldbug, Brett and Eric Weinstein’ popularity by critique – never once proposing a solution, Daniel Schmactenberger’s search for third wave socialism by extending false hope to the hopleess task of defeating physical, natural and evolutionary laws;...