Dr James Tour’s Use of Critique to Justify Miracles

This is not a refutation of abiogenesis. It’s a claim of the absence of evidence of the sequence of molecular organization is evidence of absence of a sequence of molecular organization. It’s a claim that the recombination of standard model particles, elements, and molecules and systems of molecules cannot occur by the single causality of the defeat of entropy (producing equilibria). The observable evidence is that all primary forces, the hierarchy of equilibrial states that evolve from them (‘particles’, atoms, molecules, biomolecules on up) consist of recombinations that are in fact, observably possible, but we are as yet as unsure of the sequence of combinations that produced life as we are the geometry of the primary forces....

February 21, 2021 · Curt Doolittle

Notes on Dyer and Thomas’ first video.

Jay’s argument should be ‘Logical’ only means internally consistent in the pursuit of an end, vs True, meaning testimonial, meaning testifiable, meaning non-conflationary, consistent, actionable, correspondent, coherent, limited, and complete under realism, naturalism and operationalism, free of loading, framing, suggestion and obscurantism. Ergo as wisdom literature, all faiths are some degree of logical in the sense of internally consistent and utilitarian. They are true in the lower standard of providing a paradigm of action that produces desird ends....

February 21, 2021 · Curt Doolittle

We use the Terms Marx, Marxist, Marxism, Communism as a General Category for the Leftist Revolt Against Darwin and Malthus

For the sake of expediency, we categorize the second Jewish counter-revolution against western civilization by its first iteration: marxism-communism. And when we use the term Marxism we refer to the entire spectrum of Jewish anti-civilization movements whether Marxism(in all its iterations) > Neo-Marxism(Gramsci-Frankfurt) > Postmodernism(Derrida et al) > Anti-Male Feminism > PC/Woke > Anti-Colonialism > Anti-Whiteness > Anti-White > White Replacement > White Genocide movements. This is their strategy of total war against the institutions of cultural production and persistence of the same....

February 21, 2021 · Curt Doolittle

An Operational Explanation of Schizophrenia

On Schizophrenia: The brain (neurons, minicolumns, columns, modules, regions, hemispheres) functions by the adversarial (competitive) composition for coherence (overlapping, matching), resulting in the seizure of attention (victory) by the Thalamus (control of attention by the persistence of feedback across the neocortex), which causes recursion( persistence of context). Any sufficiently widespread degeneration of that consolidation into coherence (severely in the hippocampal region, generally across the neocortex), will cause the failure of that recursion....

February 20, 2021 · Curt Doolittle

Notes on Dutton’s “Why Rising Schizophrenia and Autism Means Academia Has Gone Literally Insane”

My Notes Dutton: Yes. Fantastic. This is correct. (schizophrenia<- mutational load ->autism). Although I can’t discern the distribution of influence between load, the effect of those with load, and the effect of those creating ‘nonsense’ to justify their load, and the economic and political conditions that amplify the opportunity for expression of that load. I usually don’t blame the present condition (reversing our historical market eugenics) on load but on the absence of regulatory institutions (a) manners, ethics, morals, norms, traditions, (b) marriage for ‘friendship’ not division of labor, (c) state insured single-parent reproduction vs intergenerational family, (d) mobile labor not provincial families (maintaining interfamilial relations within a territory), (e) Abrahamism v2 in marxism-postmodernism-anti-male-anti-white teaching female relativism, and the failure of Europeans to produce a rational and scientific competitor to Abrahamism v2 because the left was successful postwar in suppressing the eugenics movement, and the right can’t speak of natural selection or evolution in any terms....

February 19, 2021 · Curt Doolittle


So far, just halfway through, this is pure sophistry. Smith was using the primitive man illustratively given the works of Hobbes and Rousseau. However the effects he describes arose between families clans and tribes not individuals, and the division of labor, later under farming. And money evolved under states (greeks) to pay armies. Barter is in the record especially the tax record, from the first cities and the first marriages. Social Debt and Credit first, Barter second, then trade, then markets, then capital markets, then financial markets....

February 19, 2021 · Curt Doolittle

Defining Conservatism In Scientific Terms

CONSERVATISM UNDERSTOOD A conservative questions the overestimation of reason, and above all questions consensus. Conservatism is familial, stoic, pragmatic, and empirical. In other words risk averse to capital. As a means of questioning, a conservative requires reciprocity (tort): american < british < anglo saxon < germanic < european < norther indo european in law. That law evolved from the oath (tell the truth, never steal, never flee, in combat). A Conservative requires ‘empirical’ results – and where empirical fails, the ‘traditional’ is adequate, since traditional survived empirical tests in competition in reality....

February 17, 2021 · Curt Doolittle

Is Economics A Science? No. But it Can Be – By Converting from Via Positiva to Via Negativa.

I could give a similar lecture that would reduce economics to a science, and my claims would be obvious, and obviously true, and they would terrify the audience. In large part, economics is a pseudoscience that tries to circumvent the laws of the universe just as do philosophy and religion, when the underlying science is rather simple: The demographic composition and distribution of a people, the institutional sequence and time necessary to produce rule of law of natural law, by the incremental suppression of irreciprocity, resulting in the highest trust, least friction in an economy at whatever of level of effort (work hours) the population prefers in exchange for its standard of living (consumption)....

February 17, 2021 · Curt Doolittle

Thoughts 10 – Antifa Is Not Anti Fascist, it’s Anti Civilization

CORRECT ANSWER: Antifa is a pro-communist organization, with pro-Marxist, pro-communist, or pro anarchist designs. The question is why are Antifa Pro-Communist, Pro Marxist, Pro Anarchist in the first place? (We know the answer.) Marxism, Communism, Socialism, Neo-Marxism, Postmodernism, Anti-Male Feminism, PC/Woke, anti-colonialism, anti-whiteness, white-replacement, white-genocide movements constitute an intentional, organized, TOTAL WAR against ALL institutions and markets of cultural production. But why do they conduct that war against all institutions of cultural production?...

February 17, 2021 · Curt Doolittle

. . .

This video offers nothing other than sedation and false comfort in a nihilistic fallacy of powerlessness and fatalism. The capitalism vs socialism dichotomy is an Abrahamic deception that implies there is any alternative to a mixed economy – that there ever was or will be. If instead of philosophical terms, we use scientific terms, we discover that the question is one of rule of law by the natural law of reciprocity that our ancestors practiced for millennia or rule by man that every state has sought to bring into being by one trope or artifice or another....

February 12, 2021 · Curt Doolittle