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(1) Our argument is simple: (a) small ethnocentric nations produce the lowest power distance, (b) the most necessary of political service of the people, (c) the highest incentive to domesticate ones’ demographic distribution (d) the necessity of paying one’s costs of self-domestication without externalizing it on others creating (present) conflicts (e) the highest tolerance for redistribution (f) the least conflict over the production of commons, norms, traditions, and values, (g) the greatest rate of adaptivity (h) and a market for polities....

February 25, 2021 · Curt Doolittle

We need a more expensive religion

Well at present I seem to have ‘scienced’ religion into operational and functional demands – more so than anyone in the past. You can ‘science’ literature as well. Or consciousness. There is a difference however between the science, the experience, and especially the auto-associative experience, that results from a long history of practicing a religion. That said, the personal consequences versus the consequences for the polity due to any religious, literary, historical, traditional, normative set of behaviors is often in conflict with the religious claims....

February 24, 2021 · Curt Doolittle

Explaining the Confusion of The Conservative Mind

EXPLAINING THE CONFUSION OF THE CONSERVATIVE MIND Conservative males mistake their intertemporal predictive modeling as a need for woo-woo. If you need woo-woo it means that which you are contemplating is beyond your present knowledge. It’s the instinct to patrol the borders of your territory to gain the info to model it. The problem you face is that the territory isn’t physically accessible, and the model requires knowledge of the population, economics, politics, and abstract information....

February 22, 2021 · Curt Doolittle

Is Christianity Salvageable?

IS CHRISTIANITY SALVAGEABLE? IMO, and I realize that this is an area of your specialty, I don’t work in ideals but in necessities, and the failure to solve the problem of heterogeneous underclasses (vs india and china) was a substantive one. He looks to me to be solving that problem regardless of the church. -“But is [jesus] really solving it? I understand that if you want somehow to operationalize Christianity, you would have to boil down his preaching of love to those 5 tenets and then strictly circumscribe it to the kindergarten....

February 22, 2021 · Curt Doolittle

Is Truth the Result of “Feelz”? (no).

IS TRUTH THE RESULT OF “FEELZ”? (NO). The neurology says it’s because of the absence of feels. Given the absence of intuition all that remains is consistency correspondence and possibility. Females need intuition for children. Some of us maintain the feminine. Some of us are free of it. Rule(M) > Govern(MF) > Obey(F) Well, that’s an implication that there is not one most parsimonious, consistent, correspondent, and actionable paradigm for producing decidability....

February 22, 2021 · Curt Doolittle

Our Covid Failure Is a Symptom of Our Political Devolution

OUR COVID FAILURE IS A SYMPTOM OF OUR POLITICAL DEVOLUTION I avoid the topic but I’ll just point out that (a) overwhelming the health care system is due to failure to conduct war games by WHO, CDC, and Health (b) export of strategic industries (c) demilitarization of the population so can’t be mobilized in crisis (d) financialization. None of this was necessary for 0.15625%. If we were still under rule by historical Anglo Saxon military elites we would still have a fully militarized polity and be able to act as one....

February 22, 2021 · Curt Doolittle

The Attraction of Weapons (tools in general)

—“Question: Why are so many guns, knives, and swords beautiful? Is it the talent put into them, or are we naturally attracted to weapons?”—Inductivist Take me too long to explain all of it but the answer is opportunity – which we label agency, and colloquially as ‘power’. But our brains calculate just one thing: gain vs loss. and we evolved the same intuition for opportunity in tools as other animals did for calories in food....

February 22, 2021 · Curt Doolittle

The Marxist Solution Will Always Fail but As an Alternative…

The Marxists insist on repeating an impossible solution dependent on employee participation in the firm under the presumption of employee interest and competency. Which even in the one unicorn firm they use as an example, we find the theory fails. In part this is because any and all distortions of the economy by interference of the state in firms causes externalities that negate the benfits they seek to obtain. By capturing the financial sector (because the state is both the issuer and the insurer) the state, the firm, and the people have identical interests....

February 22, 2021 · Curt Doolittle

Thoughts: Yes, The Left is Parasitic

Hi, this is curt doolittle, I thought I’d talk a little bit about the left’s parasitism. ANALOGY: Gad Saad’s new book is the Parasitic Mind. I have an entirely appropriate man-crush on Saad because he practices masculinity as an art form, particularly suited to intellectuals. And he’s a master of it, as well as a master communicator and intellectual in his field. And his use of the analogy of parasitism is correct: Yes, taking zombie fungus as an example, an intuitionistic organism (wasp) needs biochemical neurological reorganization because it’s not conscious....

February 22, 2021 · Curt Doolittle

Christian Pretense and Stolen Valor

In the past, not today, there was enough endemic violence, and enough continuous warfare, and enough necessity of self-defense, familial defense, and local defense, that the Christian exhaustion of suppression of dominance expression mediated the presence of and incentive for violence. Yet today, what we see among Christians is not a conviction but convenience: escapism, cowardice, victimization, and eradication by a superior ancient religion (islam) and a superior modern religion (woke)....

February 21, 2021 · Curt Doolittle