Fashion Industry As An Example of Aesthetic Fraud

“Fashion” outside of the top houses (which everyone knows: Gucci, RL, and the 20 or so others ) is presently a refuge of dysfunctionality – where they can hide under the pretense of skill and talent, and virtue signal like the rest of the neo-marxist movement: The cult of anti-beauty. When urbanites are desperate for unearned attention. When shallow novelty is their only means of achieving it. When ugly is the only remaining novelty....

March 19, 2021 · Curt Doolittle

Response to David Fuller at Rebel Wisdom

REGARDING: 1 ) Simple version and fuller states it in the article above: Have I correctly identified the conflict between the left’s false promise of freedom from physical, logical, behavioral, cooperative, and evolutionary laws, and the rights’ (Aristotelian) promise that only by conformity to (rather than denying, ignoring, or lying about) those laws do we prosper.? Yes. Have I correctly Identified that every culture has produced a counter-revolution against the anglo empirical restoration: the french (Moralism of Rousseau et al), then the germans (Rationalism of Kant et al), then the Jews (pseudoscience of boas, freud marx frankfurt postmodern anti-male feminism, pc-woke)....

March 15, 2021 · Curt Doolittle

Why The Left Can’t Think: Example? David Fuller

They Are Incapable of Reason Editor’s Note: If the reason is impossible then negotiation is impossible, and then compromise are impossible, so then what are the choices? Well, bribery, or violence. So we have to educate the left to avoid bribery or violence. Sense-Making is very different from Truth-Seeking. Because truth-seeking produces a single, parsimonious, convergent, consistent, correspondent, paradigm, vocabulary, and logic, that is consistent with the formal, physical, cooperative, and evolutionary laws....

March 13, 2021 · Curt Doolittle

Yes, they’re responsible

And yes, Jewish thought leadership is largely behind the postwar destruction of western civilization, and there is a long literature on the subject, and it’s almost entirely true. Is it a conspiracy? Like all political movements, it’s a conspiracy of common interest, perpetuating the Jewish group strategy, pursued with excellence and diligence by elites, which is what has caused their (entirely justified) persecution across time. That (warfare) strategy is the use of undermining using social construction, of false promise, baiting into hazard, under plausible deniability, escaping warranty and liability....

March 12, 2021 · Curt Doolittle

Answering Daniel Schachtenberger’s Twitter Positioning

—“Is it possible to have sustained global peace while maintaining a for-profit military industrial complex?”—Daniel @danielkenobe Military expenditures are always a sunk cost. Private production of military is simply cheaper because private companies always make better use of capital due to natural human incentives. —“Pleasure, happiness, meaning and intimacy are the signals of alignment in the physical, emotional, mental, and relational domains.”—Daniel @danielkenobe It’s true. But that’s describing the absence of conflict and even the absence of costs of compromise....

March 11, 2021 · Curt Doolittle

Of Course Gab Will Attract Taboo Conversations

If you have a free speech platform it will tend to attract taboo discussions that can’t be had otherwise. And yes, Jewish thought leadership is largely behind the postwar destruction of western civilization, and there is a long literature on the subject, and it’s almost entirely true. Is it a conspiracy? Like all political movements, it’s a conspiracy of common interest, perpetuating the Jewish group strategy, pursued with excellence and diligence by elites, which is what has caused their (entirely justified) persecution across time....

March 11, 2021 · Curt Doolittle

Sense Making

Under P-Law, proposing or advocating the use of the state (legislation) for irreciprocity, is a crime – a third-degree treason. Women are not rational, reciprocal, or loyal creatures. They are driven by extreme intolerance for uncertainty and as such drive civs to collapse. -Curt, you bring up an unresolved dilemma for me: Would it not be more accurate to say “pure feminine sensemaking” is not rational, reciprocal or loyal?-WalterIII “Sense-making” like “True For Me” is relative (a subset) like metaphysics, and “Rationality”, like “True“(testifiable), is absolute (a complete set) like Physics....

March 11, 2021 · Curt Doolittle

Fascism vs Roman Dicatorship in War. Same thing.

It is extremely difficult to find something that the fascists were ‘wrong’ about other than dependence on a dictator rather than rule of law by natural law. In other words, ‘rule of law fascism’ (meaning zero tolerance) is the optimum polity for homogenous, domesticated peoples. If you want to confuse fascism with two sides of the coin, that’s claiming that fascism is other than a war footing, just like the romans’ used dictators in war....

March 10, 2021 · Curt Doolittle

Less “School” more “church”, social, economic, and military participation.

Young men are desperate for sex, to obtain it by team membership and competitive advantage, and to limit the duress in the pursuit of all. The only solution is to start earlier: developing socialization, craftsmanship skills, life skills, physical fitness – vs ‘school’(daycare).

March 10, 2021 · Curt Doolittle

Max Tegmark Saves Me Work… ;)

I found a video by Max Tegmark (MIT) that explains the math behind the Grammars. Not that I’ll get anywhere by showing formulae. But his slides explain what I’m trying to get across: that the pattern (grammar) is the same at every scale of the universe – including language. I use geometry as the ‘system of commensurability’ or the ‘system of measurement’ in P-Logic, Psychology, Behavior, Sociology, Group Strategy, and Law

March 10, 2021 · Curt Doolittle