Define Mindfulness

DEFINE MINDFULNESS — ” @curtdoolittle Curt, how would you define mindfulness? ” — @guillem123123 Mindfulness consists in the opposite of neuroticism. Where neuroticism means worried, impulsive or intrusive thoughts competing for your attention – sometimes so much that you are all but disabled from organized action and behavior. So Mindfulness, means calm, unworried, focused on what is actionable. The discipline (training, skill) of control of your auto-association, attention, and reaction to stimuli such that you are least if not fully in self-control of your reaction to the environment....

November 14, 2021 · Curt Doolittle

Dr Wolfe at Democracy Now – Example of How The Left Lies

Dr Wolff from Democracy Now on Capitalism vs Fascism (but not vs communism) As always, Wolff is intentionally evading the reason for the development of Fascism – as a NATIONAL defense against INTERNATIONAL Communism, given that RULE OF LAW (capitalism) opened the door to international communism (like it has here in the west again in pomo-pc-woke form), and that it is international communism that was responsible for the terrors of the debate between the three poles of political preference....

November 14, 2021 · Curt Doolittle

Ethnic Identity: It’s Not Belief

IT’S NOT BELIEF You have it backward. It’s not belief. Belief provides identity. Identity provides loyalty. Identity and Loyalty must provide returns (benefit) that competes in the market for identity and loyalty. So belief is only the narrative that children, women, the dim, and ignorant peasantry require in order to justify their loyalty despite their low status. Those with status merely follow the rational incentives of profiting from constructing order that benefits the peasantry....

November 14, 2021 · Curt Doolittle

European People and The Laws of Nature

EUROPEAN PEOPLE AND THE LAWS OF NATURE All causality results from the universe’s attempt to release pressure by decreasing dissipation (entropy) or increasing organization (negentropy). All resulting phenomena, both organic and non, can be described as evolutionary computation of acquisition of energy(mass), by the process of continuous recursive disambiguation. All all human cognition, emotion, and demonstrated behavior can be described as the acquisition of, and loss aversion to, life, time, material, cooperative, and common capital....

November 14, 2021 · Curt Doolittle

Explaining My Skepticism About the Future of BTC

Many of the counter-arguments depend on the government lacking the incentives. And lacking means of suppression. It has the incentives. And very high rates of suppression are easy. Especially if all major holders must exit BTC to FEDOLLAR or face asset seizure. I’m looking at (engineering) the next great transformation of money and economy, and seeing what the state MUST do. And it MUST expand all economic measurements in order to respond more quickly than is possible through present monetary fiscal and trade policy....

November 14, 2021 · Curt Doolittle

from apes to humans

So, now to the transitionals. Have fun! F. Clark Howell, Early Man Time Life Library, 1980 Francis M Clapham, Our Human Ancestors, 1976 Handprint : Ancestral Lines Prominent Hominid Fossils Afarensis to habilis: OH 24 is in between A. afarensis and habilis OH 24 KMNR-1813 KNM-ER 1813 brain size bigger than afarensis but smaller than habilis. Face looks more like habilis B Asfaw, T White, O Lovejoy, B Latimer, S Simpson, G Suwa, Australopithecus garhi: a new species of early hominid from Ethiopia Science 284: 622-629, 1999....

November 14, 2021 · Curt Doolittle

Fundamentalism Is Limited to First-Order Claims

FUNDAMENTALISM IS LIMITED TO FIRST-ORDER CLAIMS No I’m not anti-christian so to speak, I’m anti-Abrahmism. — “Some atheists claim that religion is a comfort to simple minds too weak to tolerate a world without God, but perhaps I wonder if it is the other way around. Perhaps atheism is a comfort to those minds too fearful of what the existence of God would entail.” — Well, we have the science. Religiosity is determined by the demand for empathy over systematizing....

November 14, 2021 · Curt Doolittle

Hans Hoppe

I’m sort of reluctant to criticize him again, but we can’t convert to the only possible method of creating and possessing liberty by any other means than the pre-war British or American, and continuing this catasrophic failure we call libertariansim is only givin the same false hope to europeans as marxism and socialism are to the peasantry. Hoppe is arguing in favor of the holy roman empire like Rothbard for the Jewish pale in Lviv, or the american fantasy of restoring the liberty of the westward expansion....

November 14, 2021 · Curt Doolittle

More Against Critics of Sabine Hossenfelder

—“Isn’t her work about superdeterminism?. The maths thing is just her daft opinion about why progress isn’t fast enough for her. Maybe she is just annoyed her theory isn’t taken more seriously.”— In physics (like all sciences) there are different disciplines. People who produce theories. People who design tests. People who produce data. People who work with data, people who synthesize data that’s been worked on. This is the division of labor in almost every field in or out of the sciences....

November 14, 2021 · Curt Doolittle

More Back and Forth with the Langan Cult

@The Propertarian Institute “You would have to define the means of causality of parallel processing.” Considering the means of “force across empty space” has never been addressed by scientists, yu0r request for a causality laundry-list from a random internet commenter seems just a bit overambitious to say the least. To:? @xxxYYZxxx I use the internet to run tests (king of the hill games), because my specialty, quite accidentally, is the logic of human ignorance, error, bias, fictionalism and deceit....

November 14, 2021 · Curt Doolittle