Join Us. Because We’re The Only Ones Doing Something.

Because no one, no individual, no group has produced any solution to the crisis of our age. We have. It’s thorough. It’s not quite all up online yet – the recent ‘excitement’ has moved forward our timetable. But we’re getting there. But instead of war, a crisis presents the opportunity to restore our constitution, our law, and civilization. and to end the polarization and conflict before we have a civil war....

June 28, 2020 · Curt Doolittle

The European Mistake Began with False Promises

The false promise of an Aristocracy of Everyone: The false pretense of aristocratic oppression of the classes rather than continuous domestication and evolution of man, like plants, beasts, metals he had domesticated before he domesticated himself. The false promise of the nature of man – man is amoral: practical and must be. The false promise of the malleability of man: man is no different from any other domesticated beast and no more malleable – the best we can do is create incentives to deny him the negative leaving him to survive by the positive....

June 27, 2020 · Curt Doolittle

“How did you solve it?”

I’m curious, although I know I’ll regret this, what exactly is “the great problem of our age” and how did you solve it? 1 Every group resisted the anglo empirical restoration with jews the most recent (now Muslims). French Secular Moral, German Secular Rational, Russian Literary, and Jewish Pseudoscientific (Islam fundamentalist). Each group retained the ancestral group strategy and method of argument. 2 The Jewish strategy repeated the successful strategy of the Abrahamic dark ages (Judaism, Christianity, Islam), by rallying women, underclasses, and immigrants, with the false promise of freedom from European civilizations’ continuation of selection pressure via markets in all....

June 26, 2020 · Curt Doolittle

And I Know How To Fix It.

—“Mr. Thinklittle (& probably do nothing,) when your ancestors were still swinging from the trees, Jews had a civilization with laws that the world still follows today! Rolling on the floor laughing”— My ancestors are well documented, and genetics rather obvious. We were ‘invented’ in 3000 bc, and conquered the world from Spain to China. Our law is sovereignty and reciprocity and unique. Yours, like all organized religions, was a reaction to our expansion (really) and copied....

June 26, 2020 · Curt Doolittle

White Pathological Altruism Explained

—“Can we finally retire the ‘Pathological Altruism’ nonsense? Forever? Whites behave much the same as occupied peoples. The decoupling of the White elites from the White masses has occurred already, but the White masses are yet to accept or understand this fact.”–Tyrone Jackson @cashmoneyglock Pathological altruism is incorrect. It’s a high trust polity. We are the only people on earth to have developed it. Technically speaking our geography and mixed agrarian pastoralism prevented power centralization and required professional warriors and a miltia....

June 26, 2020 · Curt Doolittle

The Ashkenazi aren’t smart because they’re Jewish,

The Ashkenazi aren’t smart because they’re Jewish, but because they’ve inbred with Europeans, were forced through population bottlenecks due to repeated crimes against host people, used the most eugenic reproduction on earth, shed the bottom, reduced cognitive dimorphism to female. So “All Ashkenazi are Cognitively Female” explains their group strategy. They “work hard and complain” (gossip). And like females worldwide, excel at undermining dominance hierarchies until the host people are destroyed....

June 25, 2020 · Curt Doolittle

Prep for Debate with Walter Block

Note: this is my script for debate with Walter Block of the Mises Institute on Sunday June 14 2020. whenever I’m going to talk about something I gather my thoughts by writing down the argument. In this case we had 15 minutes to present an argument. then there were rebuttals. While I timed myself a head of time, I ran out of time during the actual presentation. This prevented my summation and threw off the debate....

June 14, 2020 · Curt Doolittle

A Concise Overview of the Propertarian Revolution

Our project should be called “The Traditional Law of the European People in Formal Logic”. Or “The Strictly Constructed Natural Law of Reciprocity”. Or “Adversarialism” which is our operating principle. Or “Sovereigntarianism” because our european group strategy is uniquely dependent upon individual sovereignty. Or even “The Formal Logic of Scientific Testimony” because it has more to do with testimony – truthful speech – which is of greater import during the age of information, than writing law of physical things which has been all but settled science for centuries....

June 12, 2020 · Curt Doolittle

–“Q: Curt, Is There a Secret to Running King of The Hill Games?”–

Well, first, the reason you do it is (a) it’s participatory, (b) it attracts interest, (c) people will respond with what they really intuit, believe, feel. (d) so you (my case) get to do research on the different positions people hold. people can’t report truthfully. it’s impossible. They can’t NOT defend their moral and cognitive biases. This is why the technique works for research. It’s very hard to lie (mislead) in KOTH games....

June 11, 2020 · Curt Doolittle

. . .

“My goal of course is to expand the law so that false promise of freedom from physical, natural and evolutionary law, by baiting people into hazard is as illegal in political fraud as the same strategy is in commercial fraud.” – CD

June 11, 2020 · Curt Doolittle