Black Problems in America are fixable – and Easily – But Only With Truth before Face: No more lies.

FRAMING THE DISCUSSION It’s obvious how little understanding of both economics (returns on time), and the use of economic reasoning (Gary Becker) for understanding psychological and sociological questions. If you don’t understand rule of law, how European thought differs from the rest of the world because of our long history of rule of law, or that economics is the logic of measurement of our success or failure at rule of law of natural law, then you won’t understand why Europeans were so successful in a few centuries in the bronze, iron, and steel ages at dragging mankind out of ignorance, superstition, poverty, starvation, disease, and violence – more so than all other civilizations combined....

July 14, 2020 · Curt Doolittle

Harsh Words: Truth: Why White Nationalists Always Fail

—-“I have been posting to doolittle posts not to be adversarial but to hopefully have some input on blind spots that could possibly help the academic portion of whatever tf this is. Your fearless leader has pissed his pants, cucked, and at every instance that I’ve had any opinion that claims his big brain is flawed he has called me names and attacked me not arguing factual points… He is destroying any possible alliances you could have and I’m fairly certain this academic exercise is more about self-aggrandizement rather than actually “saving” anything…....

July 14, 2020 · Curt Doolittle

The Elegance of Christianity’s Satisfaction of Self Worth by Suggestion

Xianity is universalist, not nationalist. It’s a globalist program. Loyalty to faith before people, before nation, is just a demand that real men do the historical work of the martial aristocracy and defense while xians stay home and maintain house. “Xianity was given to man to tolerate god’s laws, and the aristocracy’s imposition of them until those who were to week and meek, could be evolved into aristocracy and follow gods laws as well....

July 14, 2020 · Curt Doolittle

The Problem of Critical Mass Necessary to Organize Victory

THE PROBLEM OF CRITICAL MASS NECESSARY TO ORGANIZE WN= Local and rejects others, a claim of injustice in the face of opposition that says we are unjust ourselves. Ethnonationalism = Global and helps others, and is a claim of moral righteousness for all people solving the parasitism upon all people by the world elites. 1 – sovereignty and self-determination is a global strategy to defeat cosmopolitan globalism that like monotheism seeks to deprive us of our identities and self-determination producing regressive results we have seen across time....

July 14, 2020 · Curt Doolittle

J. Dean on Purity

The right values purity by association, but it’s not necessarily tied to self-worth. For instance, old-time Christians as you find here in the bible belt have a strong belief that self-worth or love of self is wrong, that we are all sinners and thus fall short of the glory of God. I would say instead that we are flawed because we are all subject to our survival instincts, and when we act in the interests of our survival we do not know what the ultimate consequences will be....

July 12, 2020 · Curt Doolittle

The Result of Tests

—“I suspected there was some sort experiment with ‘shaming’ going on. That ‘you don’t deserve elites, you’re shit’ post left me thinking, “this reminds me of some of his past posts which came across as ‘tough love’ except this is on steroids.” Was JM in on the test too? I wasn’t sure if he was just answering too many questions at once or if he was doubling down on the penis envy thing cause he just kept hammering it to people who were sincerely trying to explain why the BLM thing had stirred up so much negative reaction ie the ‘cucking’ stuff was really about feeling ‘thrown under the bus’ for the sake of people they feel are a genuine threat to their safety....

July 7, 2020 · Curt Doolittle

Yes Our Constitution Is the Most Transcendent Authority Known to Man.

—“Your constitution is without transcendent authority”—Colin Rice How …… do you have to be to fail to grasp that the physical natural and evolutionary laws are discovered in the fabric of the universe, not in the words of men, and that these are the laws of nature and nature’s god, and that the natural law of reciprocity that is the law of nature and nature’s god is the foundation of this constitution?...

July 7, 2020 · Curt Doolittle

Transcendence: The Purpose of European Man

The Cause of Fall, and The Source of Restoration: The false promise of infinite growth, and the institutionalization of “The Embedded Growth Obligation”. Our discovery the sun revolved around us was unpleasant. Our discovery we were not the center of the universe was disconcerting. And our discovery of evolutionary law was too much to bear. But the industrial, scientific, and medical and technological revolutions were our solaces. The eugenic movement our salvation....

June 30, 2020 · Curt Doolittle

Blade Runner 2049 Failure Explained

FAILS WERE SYSTEMIC FOR HOLLYWOOD 1 – Family ‘heroic’ (child, daughter, father,) does not play in western civ since we are the least familial and clannish people. It feels ‘trivial’ and effeminate – not heroic. The plot would have been fine without all the sentimentality. Playing up the desire for replicant reproduction would have been enough plot – and heroic, deep, and meaningful. The personalization of the plot trivialized it....

June 29, 2020 · Curt Doolittle

It’s a Good Trade. God and Caesar Have Worked for Two Thousand Years.

I state that Christianity (the imitation of Jesus, the extension of kinship love, the abandonment of responsibility for that which is out of one’s control, the self-image, self confidnce, mindfulness, and polity that results) is scientifically the optimum solution for any religion or polity. But maintaining faith requires genetic bias to empathy over reason. And I know that by teaching the stoic method of the same virtues we would achieve the same for the secularist Christians who can’t use empathy over reason (analytical)....

June 28, 2020 · Curt Doolittle