Tolerating the Truth of Physical, Natural, Evolutionary Laws

TOLERATING THE TRUTH OF PHYSICAL, NATURAL, EVOLUTIONARY LAWS We need: The Aristotle/Law (Truth) to know it; The Epic cycle/Paganism/Tragedy (Strong) to fight for it, The Arthurian/chivalry(Middle) to govern under it; and Christianity(Meek) to suffer it. The meek are left out of the European pagan pantheon – they are the slaves – those to be conquered, domesticated like animals, and used like animals, to advance the aristocracy that advances the laws of nature and nature’s god....

July 20, 2020 · Curt Doolittle

Why Are All Sociologists Leftist (Not Right)

WHY ARE ALL SOCIOLOGISTS LEFTIST (NOT RIGHT) Sociology is a leftists discipline because it is the Pseudoscience and the center of the replication crisis: the measurement of reported interests (virtue signaling). Right-wing ‘social science’ consists of aristocratic politics, law, and economics: the sciences of measuring demonstrated interests. The Right-wing uses science: Rule of law that produces markets that determine one’s value to others, economics to measure the success at rule of law in producing those markets, policy to supplement those markets – and we don’t deny the fact that natural selection must continue by continuing the western tradition of limiting reproduction to those that can survive and pay for their offspring by service of one another in those markets, with those policies, under that rule of law, measured by economics, and correspondence with, and coherence with, physical, natural, and evolutionary laws....

July 20, 2020 · Curt Doolittle

Eric and Brett: The Weinstein Brothers Reach-Around

THE WEINSTEIN BROTHERS REACH-AROUND A central theme of my work is the difference in civilizational methods of argument, especially European-male scientific-juridical adversarial-testimony of advancing stated interests openly versus Jewish-female gossiping-undermining justification-consensus method of advancing unstated or hidden interests by undermining oppositions interests. Watch any Brett or Eric Weinstein video and count how many times they 1) use ‘heaping undue praise’. 2) use a ‘test of reasonableness instead of truth‘, 3) use ‘critique of the system‘ that they cannot create, or get access to (loyalty, commons defect)....

July 19, 2020 · Curt Doolittle

Martial Strategy Stoicism Epicureanism and Making Boys Into Men

MARTIAL STRATEGY STOICISM EPICUREANISM AND MAKING BOYS INTO MEN –“Win a few blocks in Richmond”– Richmond-Charlotte is a strategic military location for a variety of reasons I won’t go into. Habituating demonstrations there is a strategic advantage in that it numbs the population to the presence and teaches attendees that terrain. Boys want to win battles. Men want to win wars. The problem is boys can’t be led by the leadership they want, because it is the leadership they want the left is most able to deprive them of – because that is the purpose of the female strategy of the left: undermining male dominance expression at all cost so that consumption can be maximized regardless of merit, and meritocracy is suppressed in favor of dysgenics of the herd....

July 19, 2020 · Curt Doolittle

The Choice Episode 0006 – A Call To Revolution – The Declaration Speech (Download)

July 18, 2020 · Curt Doolittle

Events of the Fourth

Can we please just get a plainly spoken factual breakdown on what happened on the 4th? All I saw is a few short clips of P raising the fist with BLM (or whoever those guys were). Can someone comment and just lay it all out? John did a long post about it, a video about it, and a dozen of us have explained it a number of times. And it doesn’t matter what we do....

July 17, 2020 · Curt Doolittle

P Is Just Science. If You Think Science Science Is White Supremacism ….

P IS JUST SCIENCE. IF YOU THINK SCIENCE SCIENCE IS WHITE SUPREMACISM THEN YOU ARE ‘INFECTED’ WITH THE ABRAHAMIC FALSE PROMISE – NO MORE LIES. —“My wife finally watched some of our videos and then read some of the P website and now she’s calling me a white supremacist and won’t sleep in the same bed as me. I didn’t expect that reaction. I don’t know what to do about it....

July 17, 2020 · Curt Doolittle

True Christianity? Define it. ;)

Christianity is what anyone who claims he’s Christian says it is. The beauty of Christianity is that it functions by saying nothing specific and accomplishing it’s goals wth false promise of the unwarrantable, and by suggestion that one understands when one only empathizes. So every Christian thinks something different, ever faction thinks of Christianity differently, and none of them can falsify one another because there is nothing testable in it. You can make an excuse for anything....

July 16, 2020 · Curt Doolittle

How to Win A Revolution Before Spring (Yes Really)

Dear Private McClintock of the Army of Fail, and all those fellow WN in Prissy White Dresses behind Dirty Keyboards. 😉 —“Are you trying to gloss over the fact a big black man scared you so much you actually pissed your pants then sat down became submissive and told him how big his dick was.”— PM 😉 PROOF OF COMITTMENT IS IN ACTION, NOT EMOTION I’m trying to make light of the fact that it took me avoiding another cville by pandering to the enemy, and sweating by balls off in the summer sun, in order to discover y’all are dumber than rocks, cowards that don’t show, can’t show up to make a political party like ours, can’t put on a demonstration, can’t show up to fight Antifa or BLM, don’t defend your country, your commons, your monuments, your heritage, and so you’re more useless than the left’s looting mobs....

July 15, 2020 · Curt Doolittle

Kids Want Lollies

Kids want lollies. 😉 I am not trying to Punch the Propertarian Movement but here are my Requests. This is to regain some level of trust and credibility. This isn’t unreasonable. I will place them scrutiny. If they were to gain any mainstream success this would be amplified. Accept some Level of Responsibility for what happened. This will earn you a level of respect. Give us an Explanation for the High Production Value of John Mark and Algorithms....

July 15, 2020 · Curt Doolittle