—-“Curt: Were The Hittites White?”—-

—-“CURT: Were The Hittites White?”—- Despite a century of controversy, there exist only three major surviving races (subspecies), with the proposed fourth: the Pacific islands consisting of a mixture of all three races, and Austronesians a mix of African and Caucasian. The term Caucasian was not a misnomer, but geneticists today refer to West Eurasians as a group separated into bands from Iberia (Spain) to Mongolia (the Turkic peoples). WHITE...

September 19, 2020 · Curt Doolittle

—“Curt: Is there a connection between capitalism and religiosity?”—

“Q: Is there a connection between capitalism and religiosity?” Great question. There is a relationship between the military, empiricism, rule of law, and markets that tend to favor capitalism since once you have those influence capitalism is all that one can do. That’s why Europeans invented empiricism, rule of law, markets testimony in all walks of life, and high trust: european civilization was, at least, among the aristocracy, an “army of everyone” for 5000 years....

September 19, 2020 · Curt Doolittle

—“Curt: What Does State of Nature Mean?”—

WHAT DOES STATE OF NATURE MEAN? —“Curt, is “the state of nature” purely allegorical?”–Ryan Michael McDonald @ryanmcdonaldusa It’s a reference to a presumption human instinctual incentives, and long-standing debate over human nature as moral, amoral, or immoral. The debate is over. Man is amoral (practical). Cooperation is just far more useful (and less stressful)- until conflict, violence, warfare is more useful. That said, what natural conditions? Given stone, bronze, iron, or steel?...

September 19, 2020 · Curt Doolittle

—“Curt: Why is Donald Trump criticized so mercilessly? Is he really that bad?”—

—“CURT: Why is Donald Trump criticized so mercilessly? Is he really that bad?”— THE FULL ANSWER Because he sees the academy, media, state, and deep state alliance (“The Cathedral Complex”) as a vast conspiracy of common interest, working against the interests of the middle, working, and laboring classes. Because he runs a vast hospitality business that employs middle, working and laboring classes. Because he correctly diagnosed (almost alone) the destruction of the American economy and American strategic influence (and the benefits to American consumers)....

September 19, 2020 · Curt Doolittle

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Brandon Hayes August 20 at 1:58 PM · QUOTES ROUND 4 PREFACE Quotes dates for posts between March, 01, 2020 and July 01, 2020. The pace has stiffened yet again… paying attention to those that are taking in the information for you is wise. These people can save you an enormous amount of time; and time is scarce, money is abundant… which one are you chasing and storing? THE THIRD WAY EDITION...

September 19, 2020 · Curt Doolittle

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—“Pure brilliance. Now, how do we find someone who can carry that vision into the world and gain that necessary critical mass? Truly, those solutions will change the world and make it a peaceful, happy, functional place. I’ll set my mind to how we can find the leader now.”— When we decided to “make propertarianism” as a spin-off of Hans Hoppe’s property and freedom society, we did it under the assumption that I was not the political face of the movement....

September 19, 2020 · Curt Doolittle

A Concatenation of Micro Posts

1 – My take on history is slightly different, which you’ll see as I publish the next few sets of pieces. That take is correct: European civilization consisted of the holy roman empire of greater Germania, and the innovations that occurred on the fringes of it in Italy, France, England, Scandinavia, and poland. European civilization is taught backward. Just as the world is the victim of the heartland of the steppe, europe is the product of the hearland of germany....

September 19, 2020 · Curt Doolittle

Defining “White and Whiteness”

WHITE “White” refers to: (a) descendants of the Indo European conquest of Europe, (b) who speak the indo-european language family, (c) who practice the indo european metaphysical and legal traditions, and (d) who during the dark ages, converted from indo european derived religion to its antithesis: the Semitic derived Christian religion. The outlier property is the metaphysical and legal tradition that is what causes european civilizational uniqueness and is the reason for european excellence in the bronze, ancient, and modern worlds – with a thousand years of a superstitious dark age in between....

September 19, 2020 · Curt Doolittle


Live in Submission (Semitism) Slaves Live in Harmony (Confucianism, Buddhism): Lower Live in Concert – Recognition, Use of- Greco-Roman Middle. Live in Conquest and Adaptation (Aryanism) Upper The Primacy of submission (Abrahamism: for god) The Primacy of all Inner Harmony (Buddhism: for life) The Primacy of Political Harmony: (Hinduism:responsibity for role) The Primacy of Social Harmony (Confucianism: responsibility) The Primacy of Man (Greco-Romanism: for commons) The Primacy of Man (Aryanism: for evolution

September 19, 2020 · Curt Doolittle

How many theories must fail?

A stock market consists of theories, a bond market of promises, a business of a gamble. How many of those theories have to fail before promises can’t be kept and gamblers lose their hand? Let me put this in perspective ok? Five companies, Just five, create the illusion that the market has expanded. Take that out and it’s something like 2008. This isn’t working. We can correct it but we need to correct it before we have no choice, and suffer doing it....

September 19, 2020 · Curt Doolittle